The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-06-26 09:49
Hi guys!
Attending a music camp next week and I got principal clarinet in their senior most orchestra. We're playing Romeo and Juliet.
My library doesn't seem to have a copy of the score - how much of it is for A? (I don't own one yet)
Post Edited (2003-06-26 09:50)
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2003-06-26 13:17
I don't know about the soprano clarinet parts, but the original score for the bass clarinet part is written in bass clef and requires an extended-range instrument down to low C (this is one of the few major orchestral works where, IMHO, those extra notes are really important) --- I had to play this work on my 'standard' low-Eb bass some years back, and the lack of the extra notes was actually quite noticeable (and somewhat embarrassing).
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Author: William
Date: 2003-06-26 14:35
"(I don't own one yet)"
You won PC in the top orchestra?? (Congradualtions!) Then, as it seems you are "on your way", it is probably time you rememdied your A clarinet "deficiency" and invest a few bucks in your future--you'll never regreat it.
Having just "consulted" my excerpt book, the "R & J" parts all seem to be in Bb. Good luck!!
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Author: Mikey
Date: 2003-06-26 15:11
Lots of nice clarinet work. I'm a big fan of Prokofiev. Make sure you play with that rich, Russian sound!
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Author: William
Date: 2003-06-26 15:33
[ Please keep private messages off the BBoard. Thanks. Mark C. ]
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-06-27 00:29
[ Please keep private messages off the BBoard. Thanks. Mark C. ]
Oh, and yeah I'm buying a new pair of Concertos in a few weeks/months, however, I won't have an A by next week!
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Author: diz
Date: 2003-06-27 00:47
Morrigan ... that's fantastic news, mate ... you'll enjoy playing it ... it's a blast for the clarinet (fiendish in places).
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Author: D Dow
Date: 2003-06-27 16:02
Prokofiev is a bit nasty in a few spots, so you may want to work a wee bit on some of the tougher aspects of the Romeo & Juliet. Also, have a recording about as a backup reference.
David Dow
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