The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Veldeb
Date: 2003-05-13 15:05
Ok gang. I give up... Ive tried the database here and UMD and couldnt find it on Amazon either. I heard a wonderful recording of a Concerto for 2 clarinets and orchestra last night on the radio and couldnt jot down the particulars of it. Anyone know of a recording of this and/or the full name for the piece? thanks! Blake
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2003-05-13 15:25
You didn't look too hard in the Compositions database. Breitkopf & Hartel has the Concertpiece 114 scored for orchestra. That's probably what you heard (not a concerto, though).
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Author: Todd W.
Date: 2003-05-13 16:30
Blake --
A couple of suggestions: Type the radio station's call letters into a search engine (I like google). The station may have a web site and they often have program logs on their site. You can check the log for the date and time you heard the selection to see what it is. If they don't have a web site, look for the station in the white pages of the phone book (again, by their call letters). Call the station and ask them to check the program log.
Todd W.
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Author: John Scorgie
Date: 2003-05-13 17:22
I seem to recall that a frequently FM aired recording of that work is by the great German clarinetist Dieter Kloecker (sp?) and another player with the same surname, probably a son or daughter.
You might run a check on Kloecker and also Klocker.
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Author: cyso_clarinetist
Date: 2003-05-13 21:12
I believe I know what you are looking for. They aren't titled concerto's. You probably heard one of the Mendehlssohn's concerto pieces. They are great pieces. They are actually write for clarinet and basset horn but the there are 2nd clarinet parts avalible for subsitute.
Hope this helps.
- James
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Author: Veldeb
Date: 2003-05-13 21:12
Thanks gang.. found it on the WGMS play list... it was OP 114
Mendelssohn, Felix: Clarinet Concert Piece #2
Dieter Kloecker (clarinet) ** Waldemar Wandel (clarinet)
[Schwann 11111] [Op. 114]
What confused me was I think the announcer said Concerto #2 for 2 Clarinets. I was driving and didnt jot it down. Now I'll try and find a recording of it <G> Blake
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Author: geo
Date: 2003-05-13 21:42
Hello Blake,
Were there some unusually low notes??? Could there have been a basset horn in there?? If so it may have been Op.113 or 114.
"Konzertstück" can also translate to "Concertino" (as in "a short concerto"), but Mendelssohn's Konzertstueck Nr. 1, Op. 113 ("The Battle of Prague. A Grand Duet for Steamed Dumplings or Cream Strudel, Clarinet and Basset Horn, composed for and humbly dedicated to Baermann Senior and Baermann Junior by their very devoted FMB.") and Konzertstueck Nr. 2, Op. 114 ("Grand Duo commissioned by Mr. Baermann, composed on a favorite theme of Mr. Baermann for the Baermanns by FMB among others") are for Clarinet and Basset Horn. (Mendelssohn supposedly wrote these in exchange for and as thanks for a dinner prepared for him by Baermann "the clarinet depicts my feelings of desire while the motion of the basset horn presents how my stomach was growling in the process). There is a bit on this at Cooking up a Concert Piece
Kloecker has recorded this twice that i know of, once in the original (clarinet/basset horn Luigi Magistrelli/piano) and once with the Sinfonieorchester of the Suedwestfunks Baden-Baden, bh Waldemar Wandel ( i haven't heard the latter and is unfortunately unavailable at the moment). Alan Hacker has also recorded the "trio" version on period instruments.
There are several recordings of op.113/114 with orchestra, Sabine/Wolfgang Meyer have recorded it at least twice (Kammerorch. Heilbronn/St. Martin), with their usual jolt of energy. I have been waiting for ages for an ordered copy with H. Wright to be delivered.
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Author: geo
Date: 2003-05-14 11:31
GBK, thanks for the link for King/ Dobrée link. I have a new found love of the basset horn and have been looking for new (to me) basset horn recordings of Medelssohn/Mozart/Stadler.
You can still get the op.113/114 Sabine/Wolfgang Meyer CD in Europe, but for those who live outside of the European Union this may mean paying some local customs fees??? (any Amazon account should also work in the UK and Germany - or any other Amazon site for that matter):
S/W Meyer & Academy of St. Martin in the Fields EMI 2002 in UK
S/W Meyer & Kammerorch. Heilbronn, EMI 1990 in Germany
( 1 Euro = $1.15 US; 1 UK Pound = $1.61 US)
Regards! Geoff
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-05-14 13:04
We played it at several Tulsa Community Band concerts, with our conductor and a local pro/teacher doing a fine job!! Great music, enjoyed by our band as well as the audience. It kept me busy on the bass cl part too! Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Veldeb
Date: 2003-05-14 15:52
I ordered a nice recording of it with a female czech performer - I really liked her sound over the dutch recording I found on line... and yes it is a recording with Bb and Bassett. I thought for a min. or two listening that it was an alto or bass clarinet. I'll let you all know how the whole recording is when it arrives. Blake
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