The Clarinet BBoard
Author: wjk
Date: 2003-04-13 13:27
Much as I like my Optimum ligature, the fact that its silver bothers me because I don't like tarnish and I don't like removing tarnish. I've never been incredibly thrilled with Rovner and BG type ligatures. Thus, it occured to me that maybe a gold-plated ligature would suit my needs. Can the Optimum be obtained this way? I understand the Grand Concert Select can---what other gold plated ligs have others seen and where are they available (the Music 123 website lists some but most are unavailable/not in stock). Thanks!
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-04-13 14:13
Obviously you are not bothered about costs, so take it to your local jewelery store and have it plated.
Bob A
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Author: Karel
Date: 2003-04-13 14:27
Olegature and the Ultimate are available, as far as I know, gold plated.
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Author: wyatt
Date: 2003-04-13 16:53
I have a Rico gold plated lig. which I have used for a couple of years. it looks like a web band and has two set screws. check it out. it is also available in silver.s
bob gardner}ÜJ
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-04-13 18:29
From a quick look in Weiner's catalog, about the only GP'd ligs I found were Harrisons, looked, didn't find a Bonade GP, one of my fav's, nor a Mitchell Lurie, my fav for bass cl. Several sax ligs are "lacq"'d, no doubt gold, might even stand up better re: scratches! Some repairers prob have a gold-lacquer spray can, inexpensive for a trial! Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-04-13 19:02
Guess I had an old catalog!, Muncy's newer one lists Bonades GP'd for {only} $ 20 more. There are prob more!! Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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Author: hans
Date: 2003-04-13 19:51
If you plan to have it plated and don't want it to look out of place on a clarinet, rhodium plating might be a good solution to the problem. I had this done to a ring 30 years ago with good results; i.e., rhodium over white gold. I think rhodium costs more than gold but according to my jeweler it adheres better.
Good luck,
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Author: jce
Date: 2003-04-14 12:32
I use a gold plated Vandoren Optimum ligature on a Vandoren A3 crystal mouthpiece.
Best regards,
John Elison
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Author: David Spiegelthal ★2017
Date: 2003-04-14 14:05
Gee, maybe I should get my Rovner gold-plated to keep the fabric from tarnishing.........probably brighten up my sound a bit, too......yeah, that's the ticket!
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Author: Don Berger
Date: 2003-04-14 14:15
Dern good idee, D S, next GP the keys like a P F [deluxe] to stay "in tune". Recently I saw some info re: the Malerne's history , in general?, on [I believe] an Ebay item, thot you might be interested, ?your speciality?? Don
Thanx, Mark, Don
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