Author: Brett
Date: 2003-03-28 12:43
First, my professor played the horn. He said it was a bit more resistant than his horn, but that it was an even resistance all throughout the horn and not any more so in the areas where I've been experiencing it. He then did a seal test on the upper and lower joints and was able to get a seal on both. He was going to try another test (I forget the specifics of it) that involves putting a certain type of paper under the pad and then pulling it out and if there are leaks it would somehow detect it, but he ran out of time and said he'd do it at my next lesson, which will be on Tuesday. I'll keep everyone posted as to how that turns out.
As to the A key adjustment screw, that was the first thing I checked this time, as I had been having problems with it right after I bought the horn. It had a tendency to move, like it was settling. After adjusting it once, it seemed to be enough to keep it at the right level and it hasn't been a problem since. I checked the level again once this started and it was fine.
That's where I'm at now. I'll be taking it back to have it looked at by the people I bought it from. It's a bit difficult as I live about 2 hours from where I bought it and I'm currently going to college about 4 or 5 hours from where I bought it. I'll have to send it out to them, but I can't hand deliver it and telling them what's wrong with it may be more difficult because it'll take longer if I have to clarify myself on anything. Anyway, I can deal with those problems as they arise.