The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Cindy
Date: 2003-03-26 04:58
What do people think? What are the strength comparisons? What are they good and not good for? Are they a lot better than the famous crappy plastic reed?
So many instruments to little time to play them!
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Author: jez
Date: 2003-03-26 08:48
I've been using Legere for a few months now. While I don't find them as good as the best cane reed I could find I think they're as good as some of the less good ones I might find myself using occasionally, so the system I've adopted is to use it for rehearsal days (when I probably wouldn't have used my best reed anyway) and for note-learning practice. On the concert/recording day I change to cane. This must save me a lot of reeds.
It's comforting to know there's something in the case I can stick on and know is reliable. I use several different mouthpieces and just leave the Legere on the one that suits it best so it's always ready.
One thing to beware of is that while they make a big thing of the fact that you don't need to wet or prepare them they do sound very different warm than cold, so its worth spending some time warming them up before playing. A lot of people must have been put off by trying them straight out of the case, cold.
They come in quarter strengths and I think you should go for a quarter or half strenght more than you use normally, that's comparing to regular Vandoren for me. Here (UK) they'll swap a reed for a different strength to help you find the right one.
Good luck
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Author: Oldbass
Date: 2003-03-26 08:52
I use them on my bass clarinet and my soprano clarinets. I think they are wonderful. With so many mechanical and embouchure problems which interfere with one's playing, it is good to know that at least the reed will work! Choose a strength one quarter greater than your usual Van Doren reed strength. See their web site for advice.
No I am not an employee of the company!
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-03-26 14:21
These reeds are individually machined to very close tolerances by modern, numerically controlled milling machines. Legere startes out with a map of reed thicknesses versus x-y coordinates, and uses off-the-shelf machining software to generate a cutter path from their predetermined thickness profile.
To quote "Oldbass" - "No I am not an employee of the company!" either.
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2003-03-26 18:48
I have used both profiles with my clarinet, and prefer the 'Quebec' design.
It is appreciably thicker through the heart of the reed, and narrower (side to side) at the tip.
I would add 1/4 strength to your current reed when ordering.
They do not * sigh * last forever.
After three months of extensive Wednesday night practices, my 3 3/4 gave up the ghost. It's much as when a natural reed fades... I found myself struggling at the top reach of my range.
Almost criminal what some of those composers demand of us old guize.
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2003-03-28 16:19
BTW all of their reeds (of each type) are the geometrically identical (size, thickness, profile, etc.) They make different strengths by varying the component mix of their polymer.
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Author: ginny
Date: 2003-03-29 17:08
Worth a try. I gave mine away. My son refused to use them even during his first year of playing. I got a terrible wolf tone on long B, that didn't occur using any of my cane reeds.
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Author: Bob A
Date: 2003-03-30 02:28
clarinermama--Welcome back. If I understand Ginny corrrectly, it is a tone that starts well but then progresses into a snarly growl (or at least thats what it sounds like on my Bass and [unfortunately] you can't determine what caused it). Bob A
Post Edited (2003-03-30 03:29)
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2003-03-30 12:38
Legere reeds (and other synthetics) don't absorb much moisture.
This can lead to a film between the butt end of the reed and the mouthpiece table. The reed then 'floats' and can be wild.
Sort of like hydroplaning in an automobile.
When mine starts to misbehave, I take it off and dry the works.
I love these things, and if they were just a little better, would give up on natural cane entirely.
When you have that one good reed on a good day, there's nothing like it.
Sort of like finding your 'swing' in a sport.
When the reed is unmanageable... Legere lights the way!
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