The Clarinet BBoard
Author: James
Date: 2003-02-03 18:29
I have a clarinet that was crafted by A. Duques given to me years ago by the son of the now defunct Long Island School of Music. Supposedly, the crafter was well renowned however I cannot find any information on him, nor any information on the value of this instrument. If anyone has any information or could give me a clue as to how I might find out more about the maker and the instrument would you please let me know. My email address is
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Author: Steve Hartman
Date: 2003-02-04 03:04
I believe that the A. Duques Clarinet was manufactured in France by Thibouville Freres.
Steve Hartman
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Author: Ted
Date: 2003-02-05 23:48
I studied with Augustin Duques many years ago and he talked about the clainets but I can't remember who made them. What Steve said is probably on target. Gus always played Buffet himself. - Ted
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