The Clarinet BBoard
Author: SteveT
Date: 2003-01-23 14:59
My R-13 is severly out of tune with itself. The whole instrument is flat, but a shorter barrel makes up for that, but the E & F at first line and space are terrible flat. Any Ideas and suggestions?
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Author: Ken Shaw
Date: 2003-01-23 15:10
Steve -
An even shorter barrel might help, since the "short tube" notes are affected more, proportionally, than the "long tube" notes by a change in overall length.
However, you need to check the corresponding clarion B and C, which will also be raised. If your 12ths are wide, as they tend to be on the R-13, then you have to make a compromise.
If you can't bring the E and F up to pitch without making B and C too high, then you need to take the instrument to a top repair shop for some surgery. It's possible to undercut the tones holes, angling the undercutting "north" or "south" to change the intonation of the E and F without changeing the B or C. There are also some barrel modifications that can help. You may also need a modified register vent tube.
This particular problem is what the RC and Festival models were created to fix. The Selmer Signature and Leblanc Opus/Concerto models also were designed with this in mind.
Best regards.
Ken Shaw
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Author: HAT
Date: 2003-01-23 16:06
Not enough information.
Have you tried your mouthpiece setup on other clarinets and not experienced the same problems? If so, then perhaps you have a lemon (they exist).
But I repeat here what I have said many times, clarinets don't play in tune. . .clarinetists (good ones) play in tune. A clarinet itself can only make it easier, harder or impossible to play in tune.
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Author: Brenda Siewert
Date: 2003-01-23 16:21
If the problem is in the instrument, it might be worth taking it to a top repairman for evaluation. You might check the Sneezy sponsor board first and ask some questions of some of the specialists who support the board. They'll be happy to answer questions about technical issues. If all else fails (shorter barrel, mouthpiece and reed adjustments, etc.), get some work done on the instrument. I have used the Brannens for my personal instruments for such problems.
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Author: William
Date: 2003-01-23 17:19
Check the respective tones holes for "grunge". Also, check to see if the Eb pad is opening sufficiently. If this pad is being restricted (perhaps by a damaged bridge mechanism) the E will be flat. An average repairperson can correct these problems. For more extensive work--undercutting, etc--see the Brannens (Sneezy Sponsers and highly recommended by many of us)
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Author: Synonymous Botch
Date: 2003-01-23 22:43
What HAT said...
Define 'terrible' against a tuner, please.
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Author: James
Date: 2003-01-24 03:59
It could also be a mouthpiece problem. My Eb/Bb is flat, my E and F are flat with the upper notes being in tune. It's all a matter of sacrifce of what you want.
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Author: Bob
Date: 2003-01-24 13:31
I must admit that until a recent experience I did not appreciate how much mouthpiece selection can affect intonation. Analyzing and correcting intonation problems is a job for the best of the Pros.
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