The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2003-01-17 23:24
I emailed this company's customer service address about a week and half ago or more, and still have had no reply. I think this is pretty slack and I can't be bothered trying to contact them again. Has anyone else found them to be slack?
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Author: Lori
Date: 2003-01-17 23:53
Nope, I e-mailed them a few weeks ago with a reed question and I had an answer back by the afternoon. I've been dealing with Weiner music since I was a kid and have never had an issue with them.
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Author: Clarence
Date: 2003-01-18 01:20
I had the same problem with Muncy Winds. I dealt with Weiner over the phone and everything went fine. I think they are putting more resources on phone support.
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Author: Karel
Date: 2003-01-18 02:14
Nick, I experienced an interminable delay a year ago, but a delay in the order of only several days recently. I did run into rather high postage cost estimate of US$40 for one ligature and 3 boxes of reeds. Considering that the actual postage is only $10-12, I passed on that one. What really got up my nose was the fact he was sending items out post-free in the US, but wanted to screw a ridiculous profit out of an overseas bunny. Muncy's was much more reasonable, as was WW&BW and IMS.
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Author: Morrigan
Date: 2003-01-18 03:12
Nick, when I emailed them, all I got was a "Please call us". They knew damn well I was from Australia and it wouldn't be cheap for me. It was just an enquiry!!!
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Author: Jim E.
Date: 2003-01-18 03:58
We ordered a Gemeinhardt flute (yeah, this is a clarinet board, but flutes are instruments too! Actually it was for my son, I wouldnt know which end to stick in my mouth, or where to put the reed!) from Weiner on 12/27/02. After the promised delivery date came and went, we called them. They could find no record of the order and asked if we would like to re-order. We hung up to think it over, called them back and in the mean time they had found the order but it was never shipped. They agreed to ship it 2nd day air at their expense that day. We called back the next day and learned that it hadn't shipped yet. After 3 days of excuses we cancelled the order and bought the instrument from Woodwind and Brasswind with no problem. All of this was done by phone, not email. Likely, we won't attempt to order from them again.
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Author: Aussie Nick
Date: 2003-01-18 10:58
I just went to the Weiner website to double check it was infact them who I am having problems with. For some strange reason Weiner was in my head, but it was actually Muncy Winds that I meant to say. I went to Muncy's site and realised that was the site I visited and emailed. I had never seen the Weiner site before. Sorry for the mistake. Proves I'm human I guess
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Author: Robert Small
Date: 2003-01-18 19:37
I've never dealt with Weiner's. Muncy's is nice to deal with. Sometimes Phil Muncy answers the phone himself.
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Author: Laurie
Date: 2003-01-18 22:26
I've never dealt with Weiner Music over the phone or internet, yet I live near them and they are freindly people, full of information and a willingness to help.
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Author: Gary Van Cott
Date: 2003-01-18 23:32
The Muncy people are very friendly. I met them at the ClarinetFest in New Orleans.
I would say to try again.
As someone in the mail order business I have to mention that the noise to signal ratio can be pretty high on possible overseas orders. I have had many inquires about potentially large orders that never came through. I have to pull all of the books and weigh them so I can figure the postage so it is quite time consuming if there isn't a sale.
The good news is I have had less of these recently (and never any problems with anyone in Australia).
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Author: Karel
Date: 2003-01-19 01:59
Garry, you certainly cannot be accused of overcharging for overseas shipping. I have always had prompt and reasonably priced service from you over the years.
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Author: Jim E.
Date: 2003-01-19 04:12
Muncy is great to deal with, we have bought 3 instruments from them in the last two and a half years including an R13. (They didn't have the flute I mentioned above or we would have bought it from them.) We had a warranty issue with a Selmer sax that we bought through them, corrosion developed under the lacquer. Muncy was great handling this for us though Selmer was slow, taking a month to authorize return and 3 months to fix it.
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