The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Jane Haversham
Date: 2003-01-18 00:28
what's your fav reedcase? how much? what's so special about it? how does it hold reeds?
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Author: Benni
Date: 2003-01-18 00:53
My favorite reed case is the ProTec reed case. It costs around $12. I like it because it holds 12 reeds and has a little room to put some drying papers and a "wiggle" card! It holds 6 on one side and 6 on the other against a flat divider in the middle of the case.
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Author: Alex
Date: 2003-01-18 06:44
I'll have to agree with Benni.
It's also the only reed case that holds a bunch of reeds AND fits smartly into an R-13 case.
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Author: wjk
Date: 2003-01-18 17:55
I just received a Harris reed case that I ordered. Its in beautiful walnut, holds 7 reeds against glass, and seems beautiful and functional.
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Author: Laurie
Date: 2003-01-18 17:58
Ummm.. what's a wiggle card ? lol
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Author: CPW
Date: 2003-01-18 20:42
This one looked nice.....expensive, but nice.
Does anyone here own one?
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Author: CPW
Date: 2003-01-18 20:46
Try again....the Reed Machine Reed Case is the one I was indicating
Hygrometer and humidifier with glass
The latch seems nicer than some of the others
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Author: Bob
Date: 2003-01-18 21:09
I use an old Altoids tin in which I have some pieces of plexiglas with rubber "O" rings on them. The reeds slip under the O rings!
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Author: Bob Arney
Date: 2003-01-18 21:33
Check out the work Walter Grabner does, especially in exotic woods. I have a beautiful Bass Clarinet one in Maple he made for me.
Bob A
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Author: ed
Date: 2003-01-19 00:53
I have the reed machine reed case and it is well designed and works very well. It is also a beautiful case.
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Author: Fyrespryte
Date: 2003-01-19 11:14
I use a Klawus reedcase which I purchased from John Myatt,it holds 12 reeds flat on glass held down with a leather ribbon,the case is leatherette covered and has a brass fastener.It cost £25
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Author: Benni
Date: 2003-01-19 17:39
Alex - The Pro Tec guard also fits nicely into a Selmer Vanguard case . . . ;-)
Laurie - "Wiggle card" - My term for a credit card-type card used to wiggle between the reed and the facing of the mpc when a reed starts to die out (close up) on you.
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