The Clarinet BBoard
Author: James
Date: 2003-01-17 04:03
I have seen people do this with the reed facing inward twards the case and others with the reeds tip facing outward from the case. Does selmer have and instructions on how reeds are sopposed to be placed inside the case or does anyone know?
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Author: Peter
Date: 2003-01-17 04:17
Flat side to the glass.
I usually put them in with the tips towards the opening, just because if I lift the front side as I'm opening it, the tips don't slide against the hinge side, causing me to have to slide them back towards the middle every time, but I don't see any really valid reason not to put them in with the tips toward the hinges.
To each his own?
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Author: Ed
Date: 2003-01-17 12:22
In this style case I have found that if I put reeds with the tip facing the hinge side, sometimes (especially if dropped or jarred in some way) they can slide and break the tips.
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Author: larryb
Date: 2003-01-17 15:20
I definitely recommend putting them in tip end facing the latches. I think that is the reason for placing the glass on an angle: with the thick end of the reed at the low end of the incline there is enough velvet pressure to still hold the reed uniformly; otherwise, there might be too much pressure at the thick end of the reed, and the glass could crack. The theory here is to maximize reed happiness by having the entire piece of wood evenly ensconced in a sultry velvet environment.
this would be a good question for the selmer website's bulletin board (
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Author: Ed
Date: 2003-01-17 17:21
>there might be too much pressure at the thick end of the reed, and the glass could crack.
I have never had this happen over years of use.
>The theory here is to maximize reed happiness by having the entire piece of wood evenly ensconced in a sultry velvet environment
Like George Costanza's ultimate fantasy
>Larry B is correct. The reed tips should face the latches.
Based on the authority of the reed gods I suppose?
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Author: Todd W.
Date: 2003-01-17 20:49
James --
I had the same question when I bought my Selmer reed case a couple of years ago. I e-mailed them and their reply was that the butt of the reed goes toward the hinge side of the case (tip toward the latches/open side).
Todd W.
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Author: Bob
Date: 2003-01-17 21:32
I like Todd's explanation because many people do not know the difference between latches and hinges. Personally and from an engineering standpoint I think the glass should be slanted the other way in which case the reeds would go in the other way too.
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Author: Mike
Date: 2003-01-17 21:47
I use the Selmer reed case, but I have noticed that my reeds seem to get more squiggles at the tip than they did when I used the Vandoren navy blue. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
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