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 Legere Clarinet Reeds Bb European Cut Reed 3.0 NEW
Author: hartt 
Date:   2025-02-22 22:48
Attachment:  l1.jpg (581k)
Attachment:  l2.jpg (600k)
Attachment:  L3.jpg (608k)

Legere Bb Clarinet Reeds European Cut with a strength of 3.0.

Legere Reeds is known for producing high-quality synthetic reeds that are durable and consistent in their performance.

The European cut of this reed provides a unique playing experience for clarinet players, offering a different feel and sound compared to traditional reeds. This reed is suitable for both beginner and advanced clarinet players .

4 Reeds are available. each is packaged separately with a reed case. One box was opened for photo purpose but is unused.

$19. each

postage to USA--$6. (for one or four)

International postage based on country and service

Payment via PayPal --- friends/family. 25caton@comcast.net

Thank You

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