Author: MikeC855
Date: 2024-05-17 08:24
Late to this party, and the deed is likely long done. Nonetheless, I agree with Dane:
"...the Yamaha would be a fine starter instrument for many reasons: lighter weight, fewer keys to worry about, and less blowing resistance come to mind."
I was reminded of this when my 211, which I had loaned to the local high school for the semester, was returned today. I played a little on it after getting back home, and not only was it in very playable shape (high school student had it, remember?), it played well and without a hitch. I already had my repair tech's number up on my phone and ready to dial to make an appointment, but... nope, didn't need to.
My particular issue with the 211 is it is sensitive to reed condition, especially above middle G. But otherwise fine.
Bottom line? Durable, tolerant. Maybe not the most beautiful tone, but as oboes go it's easy to play. Good starter horn.
Confounding band directors since 1964.