The Clarinet BBoard
Author: sinkdraiN
Date: 2008-11-12 15:51
Would anyone with experience on both an R13 and a Leblanc LL please tell me tonal differences between the two.
I know the R13 is usually polycylindrical and the LL is a big cylindrical bore.
I'm sure both horns have their pro's and cons....
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Author: Caroline Smale
Date: 2008-11-12 16:12
I have an R13 Bb and pair of Leblancs both from the early 1960's. The Leblanc isn't marked LL but I think its exactly the same and they introduced the LL designation slightly later once they started playing with tapered bores (L7 L200 etc) to differentiate the models.
I find the R13 slightly warmer in sound whereas the LL has a more open "French" sound with a bit more reediness and focus.
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Author: C2thew
Date: 2008-11-13 05:58
in a nut shell, Leblanc made very consistent, slightly bright, even resistance clarinets that ran a tad on the sharp side when warmed up.
Buffet makes more fuller, colorful, clarinets that have a uniqueness in of their own, however the newer models of R-13's are much more "tame" in a sense that the sound is more even than that of it's predecessor.
Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. they are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which was already but too easy to arrive as railroads lead to Boston to New York
-Walden; Henry Thoreau
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Author: stevesklar
Date: 2008-11-14 13:12
I maintain a 60s LL and a 50s R13 as my main players.
They are different in all regards.
ergonomically I prefer the LL. In short (literally) I have small hands and the RH spatula keys area bit of a stretch for me on the R13.
Tonally, I use different primary mpcs for the R13 v LL, as I'm after more of a ringing "french" tone with the R13 than the LL.
I use the LL as my all around clarinet. I dont necessarily consider it a big bore, as that is where my Selmer CT comes into play.
The LL has a bit more spread sound, maybe a bit bigger top to bottom with my setup. Though with a mpc change I feel I can push the R13 a bit more for extended volumes due to the polycylindrical bore .. not scientifically, just my personal opinion.
So the R13 has ring. The LL i get a nice big full woody tone from it.
the balance top to bottom on both are pretty consistent.
intonation prob goes to the LL for consistency, as I believe Leblanc was after improved intonation vs tonal quality (from past readings) for the R13.
Stephen Sklar
My YouTube Channel of Clarinet Information
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