The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Alexey
Date: 2024-04-25 15:01
I came across this video:
I am not into Japanese, but based on context and Google translation it seems that curing an old reed in glucose water (it seems it's better to have more glucose and less water.) for about 12 minutes (and then letting it dry) can bring a reed back to life.
Also, based on comments, Andy said after a week of playing that reed still feels like new.
Does anyone know or have tried this trick?
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Author: kdk
Date: 2024-04-26 03:12
Alexey wrote:
> I came across this video:
> I am not into Japanese, ...
Do you know (or does anyone here know) who they are? They don't seem to be speaking Japanese, though all of the surrounding text seems to be. He seems to be speaking German (and he looks European) or something similar. I can't tell about the young woman. My browser shows that it's translating from Japanese, but my ear says differently.
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Author: Alexey
Date: 2024-04-26 11:03
The man is Andy Miles (He's German) and I think he is pretty well known:
I don't know the woman (my guess is she is the girlfriend or wife of Andy Miles), and she definitely speaks Japanese and German.
Post Edited (2024-04-26 12:02)
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