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 Topics Author  Replies  Last Post
  "Voicing" is a crock  Paul Aviles  50  2010-03-08 09:22 
  R13 mouthpiece suggestion needed new buit15  2010-03-08 02:23 
  R13 silver keys new buit15  2010-03-08 01:40 
  alto clarinets that play sharp new Caleb Mason  2010-03-07 23:14 
  Where to download MP3? new clarnibass  11  2010-03-07 12:50 
  Buffet Crampon Question new Steve Grey  2010-03-07 06:16 
  Help with a French marking new brycon  2010-03-07 00:51 
  bass clarinet repair new USFBassClarinet  2010-03-07 00:16 
  Clarinet crack new martinwwhiting  13  2010-03-06 16:02 
  Mouth "too big"? new moolatte  2010-03-06 08:38 
  What are these English mouthpieces? new Curinfinwe  2010-03-06 06:53 
  Clarinet shop in Buffalo NY? new night_sky  2010-03-06 05:52 
  Small bass clarinet player new Claribelli  2010-03-05 21:29 
  Buffett RC overhaul. new kwatro  2010-03-05 20:51 
  What are these English mouthpieces? new Curinfinwe  2010-03-05 19:02 
  Different serials on joints new Koppel  2010-03-05 18:44 
  Mouthpiece selection for large bore clarinet new ito  18  2010-03-05 18:28 
  Best MP's for Yammy CSG? new pplateau  29  2010-03-05 17:35 
  prokofiev/kennan clarinet sonata new salzo  2010-03-05 15:38 
  Enhanced Boehm Clarinet Models new ISM  2010-03-05 05:50 
  R13 serial number question new buit15  2010-03-05 04:27 
  BG Thumb Rest Adapter new concertmaster3  2010-03-05 04:27 
  Scales in thirds new thedean  10  2010-03-05 03:12 
  2 questions on buying a used wooden clarinet new janlynn  2010-03-04 23:36 
  Robert Marcellus Pedagogy new llamaboy12  22  2010-03-04 22:59 
  Mutes? For clarinet? new Kontra  10  2010-03-04 19:54 
  Chadash Barrel new A Brady  10  2010-03-04 19:39 
  reeds and humidity new Chrissy  51  2010-03-04 07:52 
  Unbalanced Vandoren Traditional Bb Clarinet Reed new Grandpa  2010-03-04 01:58 
  Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp new wolfedp  2010-03-04 01:50 
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