Author: Dan Shusta
Date: 2004-03-04 05:27
Tip opening charts that you might find useful:
1) Anello
2) Yamaha
3) Otto Link
4) U.M.I.
5) Hans Zinner German/French
6) Blayman
7) AW-Reeds GbR mouthpieces
8) Vandoren
9) Roger Garrett
10) Arb, Brilhart, Berg Larsen, Beechler, Runyon
11) JodyJazz
12) Selmer 201 series, C85, C95
13) Claude Lakey
14) Charles Bay
15) J J Babbitt site: JJ Babbitt, Guy Hawkins, Otto Link, Meyer & Wolf Tayne
16) Benny Goodman Commemorative mouthpiece
17) Pomarico, also Pomarico
18) Pomarico Jazz
19) Clark W Fobes
20) International Musical Suppliers chart
21) Peter Ponzol
22) Ridenour
23) Leblanc’s “K” Series
24) Bari, Bay, Borbeck, Combs, Gigliotti, Marcellus, Obrien, Portnoy, RIA, Sumner
25) Comparative chart including Meyer, Vandoren crystal, & many more
26) Gennusa
27) WWBW comparison chart for 28 different mpcs
28) Walter Grabner
29) Bari website: Bari, Buddy DeFranco & ESPIRIT
30) Greg Smith (Scroll down to Greg Smith's response.) and Gregory Smith website
31) Chadash-Hill Mouthpiece Blank
32) ESM German made mouthpieces for boehm system and ESM German made mouthpieces for boehm system
33) Ralph Morgan
34) Mike's Music chart comparing B&H, Buffet, Meyer, Otto Link, Selmer, Vandoren, Yamaha and Zinner
35) Lebayle clarinet mpc chart
36) Chart comparing Woodwind "K" series to Artist, Original Educator, Imperial, Vito, Leblanc Paris, Vandoren, Selmer and Hite
37) J.D Hite
38) Rico Graftonite mpcs Click on accessories then on Graftonite mouthpieces.
39) The T.L. Zappe clarinet mpc that plays like a tenor sax mpc (This mpc has a 0.072" tip opening and has a facing measurement of 36 using Babbitt gauges.)
40) Sugal clarinet mpcs
41) David McClune custom mpc service
42) Bernard Portnoy (Home address & phone number)
10 Skylark Drive, Apt #6
Larkspur CA 94939
Local 802 AFM Union Directory (Courtesy of JJM)
43) Dan Johnston, mouthpiece maker
41 Ayer Rd.
Buffalo, NY
44) Merlin Williams, mouthpiece refacer & sales of R. Caravan mpcs
45) David Spiegelthal, mouthpiece refacer. Email David at:
46) Kessler Custom Clarinet Mouthpieces:
47) Anton Weinberg Mouthpieces
48) Beechler, ARB
I'm sure there's more and when I find them, I'll post them.
Post Edited (2005-04-01 19:30)
Post Edited (2006-01-13 23:39)
Bb Sop. mpc tip opening charts new |
Dan Shusta |
2004-03-04 05:27 |
The Clarinet Pages