Author: GBK
Date: 2007-12-05 13:12
Many of us who teach clarinet use the standard two volume set of Voxman (Rubank) duets, but the question always arises as to what would be a suitable follow up compilation book after completing the Voxman 2 Selected Duets.
As I have written before, any (or all) of the following of the following would certainly be good choices:
1. Cavallini/Lazarus - Three Grand Artistic Duets
2. J.S. Bach Clarinet Duos (adapted by Gustave Langenus)
3. Voxman - From the Baroque Duets for Clarinet (Rubank)
However, aside from the three (fairly standard) duet books listed above, I would also make the following suggestion...
(drum roll) .......
Voxman 2 Selected Duets for TRUMPET/CORNET.
The duets are quite challenging, for the most part stay within the clarion register of the clarinet and introduce many different styles of writing by composers not normally familiar to clarinetists.
My students enjoy both working on these as well as sightreading them to keep their reading skills sharp.
Just as using the Arban Trumpet Method can be very beneficial for clarinetists, do not overlook some of the trumpet/cornet duet books that are available.
Lots to discover ...GBK
Author: johng ★2017
Date: 2007-12-05 13:42
For the same reasons, I have used the saxophone Rubank 2 duet book and even the flute book for higher register reading. Interesting music!
John Gibson, Founder of JB Linear Music,
Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2007-12-05 13:54
Dave Hite sent me a book of Mozart Duets (Violin duos) that he had arranged not long before his passing. They are quite good also. Southern Music Publishes them. They are harder than the Drucker 12 Mozart Duos if I remember.
There's a recording of them with Perlman/Zuckerman
Author: GBK
Date: 2007-12-05 13:54
I do use the saxophone book, but do not have my students buy it because the Voxman 2 saxophone duet book contains the exact same 15 page duet (based on Mozart K454) as the clarinet book has.
Author: Bob Phillips
Date: 2007-12-05 15:18
Books II and III of the Langenus Complete Method for Clarinet has some toothsome duets --including the Beethoven Cl/Bssn duos nicely made over for Cl/Cl.
Bob Phillips
Author: DavidBlumberg
Date: 2007-12-05 15:41
Very, very good duet book - complex rhythms is
30 Changing Meter Duets by James Meyer (for treble clef instruments)
Trigram Musicwas the publisher, now it's Published by Wimbledon (1296) .
Sheetmusicplus carries it.
Meyer is a St. Louis Sym Clarinetist.
Great book. Duet I is 2/3 + 3/8
Duo V is 2/4 + 5/8
XII is 2/4 + 7/8
Duo XVI is 2/4 3/8 3/4
Post Edited (2007-12-05 15:43)
Author: tdinap
Date: 2007-12-05 15:56
I seem to remember playing a couple of Kroepsch duets with my teacher a couple of years ago. They were relatively fast and lots of fun to read through, even if they weren't the most musically complex pieces in the world. Is there a book of these, or are they just found in the 416 Studies book?
Author: Ken Shaw ★2017
Date: 2007-12-05 15:58
The Rubank Vol. 2 duet arrangements date back to Beethoven's time, even though Rubank claims they're by Hymie Voxman. Several years ago, Larry McDonald showed me an early 19th century edition. We played through some on 10-key instruments, and the notes were identical.
The duets in part 3 of the Klose method are good. The first part is more difficult than the second, which is basically accompaniment. They are decent, though not great, music.
Once you are comfortable with the Rubank Vol. 2 duets, go to the excellent ones in Part 3 of the Langenus method, which are on about the same level or slightly more difficult. At the end of the book is a wonderful arrangement of the Beethoven trio for 2 oboes and english horn.
Part 2 of the Lazarus method has lots of duets, each designed to introduce a new key or alternate fingering. They are fairly simple, but use operatic tunes that are pleasing to play and help develop a singing style. Langenus part 2 has similar material.
When you're ready for the level beyond Klose or Langenus, go to the Lazarus method, part 3. This has three difficult duets with absolutely equal parts. They're very athletic, but lie well under the fingers.
Once you have gotten tired of scampering around like a couple of crazed squirrels, go to the following "operatic duets" in Lazarus. These are not as difficult as the preceding ones technically, but are better music. Each is drawn from themes from a particular opera. The second part is often less difficult than the first, or at least more "accompaniment" than solo, although the second part also gets some solo material.
Kuhlau's flute duets are very good music and work well for clarinets if the 1st player is comfortable in the altissimo.
Mozart wrote a set of 12 Duos for two horns, but they work well on any instruments. They're fairly simple technically, but they're MOZART, and so are well worth doing.
At a higher level of difficulty comes, of course, the Poulenc Duet, which has plenty to keep even really good players busy. It's simultaneously competitive and witty.
Additional recommendations are in the thread at
Ken Shaw
Author: Cass Tech
Date: 2007-12-05 17:33
In ancient times (about 40 years ago), I remember a transcription of baroque harpsicord music (Scarlatti, etc.) for clarinet duet by Gabucci that was a lot of fun to play.
Ken, I studied with Larry MacDonald during my freshman year of college (if it's the former principle with the Toledo Symphony). He was a marvelous teacher and an inspiring player (I remember a superb performance of Bartok's Contrasts and the Brahms' Trio on one occasion.) How's he doing these days?
Cass Tech (aka leatherlip)
Author: GBK
Date: 2007-12-05 17:35
Ken Shaw wrote:
> When you're ready for the level beyond Klose or Langenus, go to
> the Lazarus method, part 3. This has three difficult duets with
> absolutely equal parts. They're very athletic, but lie well
> under the fingers.
Those Lazarus/Cavallini duets are published separately as "Three Grand Artistic Duets" as I mentioned in my first posting. Lots of fun to play...
Ken's other suggestions are all excellent, however I usually do not use most the duets in the back of Klose part 2 because they do not play like duets, but rather just a florid top line and a sparse accompaniment part ...GBK
Author: David Niethamer
Date: 2007-12-07 00:57
Allan Blank has a book of duets called "A Melodic Tour", consisting of folk songs from around the world with an newly composed (and more modern sounding) 2nd part. These grew out of a composition class exercise that Allan would use with his students. It's published by International Opus.
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