The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: darmica
Date: 2012-09-21 11:54
I have recently acquired a Kohlert clarinet. I am attempting to identy the age, history, and possible value (in the broadest sense) of this instrument, and welcome all information received.
The instrument, which is wooden, is marked:
V. Kohlerts
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Author: MichaelW
Date: 2012-11-07 16:11
Under,/read.html?f=1&i=371069&t=370856 amongst others I have tried to sort out some facts concerning the post- WW I eras (I'd like to add here: before 1918 Graslitz had belonged to the austro- hungarian empire, so the instruments were stamped "...Bohemia"). By using the search function you might find more information on Kohlert Graslitz/ Kraslice, although not always correct.
Could it be that your instrument is marked "Czecho-Slovakia" or "Czechoslovakia" in addition to "V. Kohlerts (?)Söhne Graslitz"? In this case it could be dated between 1918 and 1938 (I wasn't able to find out at which time exactly the hyphen was omitted).
1938 the Czech border regions were annexed by the Nazi Reich. The instruments from Graslitz then were marked "...Graslitz Sudetengau" till 1945. After the end of WW II the surviving Kohlert owners and craftsmen took up production under Czech government again, the instruments were marked “V.Kohlerta Synobe Kraslice”- till they were expelled in about 1948 and went to Winnenden near Stuttgart, Germany. In Kraslice the Kohlert factory and other workshops were taken over by Czech government and later on established under the "Amati" brand. M.W.
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Author: MichaelW
Date: 2012-11-08 14:16
More information under:
@admin: This thread doesn't really deal with "Ethnic" clarinets and would be placed better in Clarinet Bboard. M.W.
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