The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: natalie
Date: 2002-04-08 15:36
I need to have an "idol" for Spanish and since I don't have one I was wondering if anybody knew of any famous bass clarinet players.
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Author: Frank Mochol
Date: 2002-05-09 16:03
Do jazz guys qualify? Eric Dolphy, David Murray. Just got a cd from eBay of Eddie Daniels playing Blue Bossa on a!
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Author: David Dow Symphony NB
Date: 2002-05-10 13:49
Harry Sparney and Henri Blok are two great classicla players on bass clarinet.
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Author: Birch
Date: 2002-07-10 21:08
Curt Bjiorling (sp?) who plays with Brave Old World is one hell of a Bass Clarinet player.
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Author: Paul
Date: 2002-08-11 06:54
I've seen ,Curt Bjiorling, David Murray and Heri Blok. They are all fantastic. Heri Blok has a very good web site, I don't have it bookmarked, just search on his name. I had Eric Dolphy playing a little while. Can't add to the list you second all the nonimations
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Author: Ed
Date: 2002-10-15 17:53
Don't forget Don Byron and Chris Potter
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Author: Jack Kissinger
Date: 2003-08-31 03:43
You'll probably have better luck searching on "Henri Bok" than "Heri Blok" -- unless you're looking for an hirsute Englishman. ![[grin]](
While Paul McCandless (of Paul Winter Consort and Oregon fame) is better known as an oboist, he also performs on bass clarinet. Not exactly household names, Marty Walker, Joseph Horak (Duo Boemi di Praga), Lawrie Bloom (Chicago Symphony), Dan Leeson, and Renate Rusche are all great bass clarinetists. Horak, in particular has inspired numerous works for the instrument -- as has Harry Sparnaay, mentioned in a couple of earlier posts. John Bruce Yeh and Richard Stoltzman have also recorded on the bass.
Best regards,
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Author: Wes
Date: 2005-10-04 07:26
Guido Petenari from Italy was with the LA Philharmonic in the early 50's. He tongued like a maniac and once played a concerto that went to high E above the altissimo register. He died in the middle 50's as I recall.
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Author: BassetHorn
Date: 2005-10-05 05:00
Not sure if they are "famous" in the popular sense: Louis Sclavis, Wolfgang Fuchs, Cornelius Boot, Lucien Dubuis, Peter Schmid, Armand Angster, Jacques di Donato.
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Author: han
Date: 2007-04-24 21:44
Check out Louis Sclavis : he's the absolute master of the bass clarinet .Especially his recordings with the Romano-Sclavis-Texier trio are awesome!
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Author: buedsma
Date: 2007-05-03 09:58
a great contrabassclarinet player
CHARLES MINGUS:"the complete town hall concert" (blue note 7243 8 28353 2 5)
a real bigband with e.g. four alto players, seven trumpet players and a
MILES DAVIS/GIL EVANS:"the complete columbia studio recordings" (columbia
incl. the albums "miles ahead","porgy & bess","sketches of spain". jazz
history with bcl only in the orchestra
BLUIETT,HAMIET (bs, cacl,acl),USA
the baritone sax player of the world saxophone quartet is a fine alto- and
contraltoclarinet player.
HAMIET BLUIETT:"makin' whopee" (mapleshade 04832)
a nat king cole tribute incl. one contraltoclarinet track.
HAMIET BLUIETT:"the clarinet family" (black saint 120097 2)
a great live recording feat. eight clarinet players (e.g. don byron, john
purcell) with nearly every clarinet. great avantgarde jazz.
BOWEN,RALPH (ts,ss,bcl), USA
a tenor saxophone player in the tradition of michael brecker, plays very few
ORRIN EVANS:"meant to shine" (palmetto 2087)
a great band, playing modern mainstream jazz. bowen plays bcl on one track
perpaps the main figure in the free jazz scene today. Fantastic musician
ANTHONY BRAXTON:"in the tradition vol.1 & 2" (steeplechase sccd 31015 &
31045) a classical jazz quartet (reeds,piano,bass,drums). they play bebop.
braxton plays alto saxophon but on every record he plays contrabassclarinet
on one song (e.g. charlie parker's donna lee in original tempo, incredible)
ANTHONY BRAXTON:" dortmund 1976" (hatology 557)
totally free, braxton plays contrabass clarinet and also contrabass saxophon
ANTHONY BRAXTON:"anthony braxton's charlie parker project 1993" (hatology
a great 2cd live recording. about 130min of charlie parker's music. braxton
plays cbcl on "scrapple from the apple", dizzy gillespie's "a night in
tunisia" and miles davis' "sippin' at bells"
BYRON,DON (cl,bcl), USA
byron is one of the most prominent clarinet players on the scene. every
recording is unique and worth to listen to. byron plays one every record a
few songs with the bcl.
DON BYRON:"tuskegee experiments" (elektra/nonesuch 7559 79280 2)
his first recording. a mixture of jazz, klezmer, funk (with bill frisell
DON BYRON:"plays the music of mickey katz" (elektra/nonesuch 7559 79313 2)
a tribute to a great jewish entertainer.fantastic.
DON BYRON:"music for six musicians" (elektra/nonesuch 7559 79354 2)
again a mixture of several jazz styles, great band.
DON BYRON:"bug music" (nonesuch 7559 79438 2)
a tribute to the big band ara (tunes byd.ellington, j.kirby etc.)
one of the great recordings of the last ten years.
DON BYRON:"no-vibe zone" (kfw 191)
a live recording from the knitting factory/ny. a lot of power and fun.
DON BYRON:"nu blaxploitation" (blue note 7243 4 93711 2 5)
don byron's funk and hip hop album, together with some rappers.
DON BYRON:"romance with the unseen" (blue note 7243 4 99545 2 6)
a fantastic quartet recording with bill frisell, drew gress and jack
DON BYRON:"a fine line" (blue note 7243 5 26801 2)
songs written by chopin, bernstein, puccini, stivie wonder etc.)
DON BYRON:"more music for six musicians" (blue note 7243 5 32231 2 0)
a latin flavoured recording with the theme from"hatari"
DON BYRON:"ivey-divey" (blue note 7243 5 78215 2 0)
a tribute to lester young's bass-less trio, with jason moran and jack
dejohnette. a lot of bassclarinet and great improvisations
BILL FRISELL:"this land" (elektra/nonesuch 7559 79316 2)
one of frisell's best with a great d.byron on cl and bcl.
BILL FRISELL:"have a little faith" (elektra/nonesuch 7559 79301 2)
another great frisell recording with a fantastic guy klucevsek on accordion
RALPH PETERSON:"ornettology" (blue note 7 98290 2)
out of print. if you can find it, buy it.
RALPH PETERSON:"the fo'tet augmentet" (criss cross 1255)
a great modern mainstream album. the tracklist incl. joe henderson's "shade
of jade" and billy stryhorn's "jonny come lately"
plays nearly every woodwind. great technique, huge sound, worth to listen to
GINGER BAKER:"coward of the country" (atlantic 7576 83168 2)
carter plays baritone sax on two songs and bassclarinet on two other, great
JAMES CARTER:"conversin' with the elders" (atlantic)
a great recording feat. hamiett bluiett, lester bowie, harry"sweets" edison
etc. j.carter plays bcl on one tune
JAMES CARTER:"the real quietstorm"(atlantic 82742 2)
a ballad recording with e.g. dave holland. also here carter plays bcl on one
JAMES CARTER:"in carterian fashion" (atlantic 7567 83082 2)
a more soul oriented album with hammond organ. carter plays bcl on one tune
JAMES CARTER:"gardenias for lady day" (columbia ch 89032)
a tribute to billie holiday. j.carter plays contrabass- and bassclarinet on
two tunes. great version of "strange fruits".
CHRISTIAN MCBRIDE:"sci-fi" ( verve 543 915 2)
a great recording, a kind of tribute to sience fiction movies. carter plays
two great bassclarinet solos
COLIN,DENIS (bassclarinet), France
one of the very few bassclarinet specialists in the world, great composer,
interestic bands with arabic drums e.g. his recordings are hard to find but
more than worth
DENIS COLIN:"trois" (in situ 590138)
a trio together with cello and zarb (a drum from the iran), sometimes very
DENIS COLIN:"seul" (in situ is 036)
colin's solo recording. here you can really check out the bassclarinet.
DENIS COLIN:"fluide" (in situ is 180)
with tabla, drums and cello. some of the sweetest bassclarinet I've ever
DENIS COLIN:"etude de terrain" (nato 777770)
a string trio, bassclarinet, guitar and zarb.
DENIS COLIN:"something in common" (nato/universal 017 508 2)
songs written by john coltrane, archie shepp, stivie wonder, jimi hendrix
etc.) together with strange guitars and vocals
COLTRANE, JOHN (soprano, tenor sax), USA
yes, coltrane played also a little bassclarinet. after eric dolphy's death he
got his instrument and used it one some of his later recordings.
JOHN COLTRANE:"live at the village vanguard again" (impulse 12132)
a sextet with pharoah sanders, rashied ali and alice coltrane. tunes are
naima, my favorite things.
more an alto player than a bassclarinet player, rough sound
MATT WILSON:" smile" (palmetto 2049)
a funny record with great compositions by drummer wilson. bcl on two tunes
de franco is known as a great swing and bebop clarinetist but he has made
also one bassclarinet recording
BUDDY DE FRANCO:"blues bag" (koch koc cd 8545)
setup includes art blakey, lee morgan and curtis fuller. track list includes
t.monk's straight no chaser and o.coleman's blues connotation
I know him only as a sideman.
MICHAEL BRECKER:"wide angles" (verve 0044007614228)
one of brecker's best recordings with a small orchestra.
DOLPHY,ERIC (as,fl,bcl), USA
perhaps the guy who was most important for the history of the bassclarinet in
jazz. one of the great musicians of the jazz history
JOHN COLTRANE:"africa/brass" (impulse mcad 42001)
a 15-piece band performing e.g. greensleeves. one of coltrane's best.
ERIC DOLPHY:"out to lunch" (blue note 7243 4 98793 2 4)
dolphy's masterwork feat. freddie hubbard (tp) and bobby hutcherson (vib).
a must for every dolphy fan
ERIC DOLPHY:"the illinois concert" (blue note 7243 4 9982628)
a great live gig feat. herbie hancock. track list includes a 20min version of
"softly as in a morning sunrise" with a great dolphy on bassclarinet
ERIC DOLPHY:"stockholm sessions" (enja 3055)
not the best dolphy but there's a fine "god bless the child on it".
CHARLES MINGUS:"pre bird" (verve 538 636 2)
a big band recording. dolphy uses all of his instruments.
ORNETTE COLEMAN:"the complete atlantic recordings" (atlantic r2 71410)
including the album"free jazz" with dolphy on bcl and a single track
"variants on a theme of thelonious monk", also with dolphy on bcl, only
available in this collection
ERIC DOLPHY:"the complete prestige recordings" (9prcd 4418 2)
the ultimate dolphy collection including the albums "outward bound","out
there","e.dolphy at the five spot vol.1 & 2","e.dolphy in europe vol.
1-3","far cry" and several more. lots and lots of great dolphy bassclarinet.
expensive collection but fantastic.
JOHN COLTRANE:"the complete 1961 village vanguard recordings" (impulse impd4
some of the best coltrane live recordings feat, dolphy on the few tracks with
CHARLES MINGUS:"mingus at antibes" (atlantic 2-3001)
a great live set from 1960 with a fantastic dolphy on bcl
ANDREW HILL:"point of departure" (blue note)
dolphy plays bcl on five tracks. great recording feat. also kenny dorham (tp)
and joe henderson (ts)
another underrated reedplayer.
JOE LOVANO:"celebrating sinatra" (blue note 7243 8 37718 2)
a frank sinatra tribute. lovano plays together with a small orchestra. drewes
plays bcl only in the section.
ehrlich is one of the real charakters in the big pool of modern amercian
saxophon players, great technique, great sound, great compositions.
DAVE DOUGLAS:"in our lifetime" (new world 80471 2)
a tribute to trumpeter booker little with a fantastic m.ehrlich on bcl.
MARTY EHRLICH/BEN GOLDBERG:"light at the crossroads" (songlines sgl 1511)
two great clarinet- and bassclarinett players perform original songs with a
bass/drum rhythm section.
DON GROLNICK:"nighttown" (blue note 0777 7 98689 2)
grolnick was a great composer/pianist. the band includes joe lovano (ts),
steve turre (tb), dave holland (b) etc. ehrlich plays also great.
ANDREW HILL:"a beautiful day" (palmetto 2085)
hill's new big band including three guys who play bassclarinet: marty
ehrlich, gregory tardy, j.d.parron. one of the best modern big bands
a free jazz player of great potential
DOUGLAS EWART:"the imaginary suite" (black saint 120026 2)
free jazz with a lot of percussion, flutes and early electronics, recorded in
farrell was a totally underrated tenor saxophon player. the bassclarinet was
not his best instrument
ANDREW HILL:"passing ships" (blue note 7243 5 93871 2 3)
andrew hill's recordings belong to the best 60' recordings ever. joe farrell
plays bcl on one track
FUCHS,WOLFGANG (bcl,cbcl,sopranino), Germany
one of the best contrabassclarinet players in the world, plays only
avantgarde and free jazz
WOLFGANG FUCHS:"bits&pieces" (fmp 90004)
solo and duo pieces, great bass- and contrabassclarinet
WOLFGANG FUCHS:"duets, dithyrambisch" (fmp 19/20)
a free jazz recording with a woodwind quartet including evan parker (ts,ss),
hans koch (ss,ts,bcl), louis sclavis (ss,cl,bcl) and wolfgang fuchs
(sopranino sax, bcl,cbcl). lots of free bassclarinet sounds, multiphonics,
slap tounging etc.
WOLFGANG FUCHS:"holz fuer europa:comité imaginaire" (fmp 84)
a trio recording of hans koch (bcl,cl,ss,cbcl), peter van bergen
(a-flat-cl,ts,bcl,cbcl) and wolfgang fuchs (sopranino,bcl,cbcl).
there's a piece with three contrabassclarinets on it.
GARLAND,TIM (ts,ss,bcl), Great Britain
chick corea's saxophonist is a great bassclarinet player with a beautiful
TIM GARLAND:"made by walking" (stretch scd 9030 2)
a beautiful recording with one bassclarinet tune.
GARRETT;DONALD RAPHAEL (bass,bassclarinet), USA
his prime instrument was the bass.
JOHN COLTRANE:" live in seattle" (impulse grp 21462)
a fantastic live recording with two bass players and great free versions of
"body and soul" and "afro-blue". garrett plays only a little bcl on this.
gilmore is known for his collaboration with the sun ra orchestra. he play bcl
with a very rough sound ANDREW HILL:"compulsion" (blue note)
one track feat. the bassclarinet. all andrew hill recordings are great
examples of blue note 60' recordings.
the tenor player of wynton marsalis is also a solid bassclarinet player.
WYNTON MARSALIS:"the marciac suite" (columbia ck 69877)
a great recording feat. a lot of guests. goines plays bcl on one track.
GOLDBERG,BEN (cl,bcl,cacl),USA
another great specialist of lower clarinets. one of the very few guys who
plays contra-alto clarinet.
BEN GOLDBERG:"twelve minor" (avan 035)
goldberg is a great player and there's a lot of bcl on the album.
HANDY,CRAIG (ts,as,ss,bcl), USA
c.handy is the musical director of the mingus big band. he plays bcl only as
a side instrument
CRAIG HANDY:"reflections in change" (sirocco sjl 1005)
a fine modern mainstream album. handy plays the bcl only on one track
a fine baritone saxophonist, bcl is only his side instrument.
GREG OSBY:" art forum" (blue note 7243 8 37319 2 3)
great recording. bcl only in the horn section
JOHANSEN,VIDAR (ts,bcl),Sweden
johansen is a tenor saxophonist but has a nice sound on the bcl.
JACOB YOUNG:"evening falls" (ecm 1876)
a great moody ecm recording of a great guitar player. johansen plays bcl on
nearly every track but don't play solos.
JOHANSSON,PER"TEXAS" (reeds), Sweden
a guy with great potential, funny ideas and a lot of power. he also plays
PER JOHANSSON:" the stockholm kaza sessions" (kaza 8540562)
a set of mostly standards with a fine female singer. some great bass- and
KASSAP, SYLVAIN (reeds), France
a nearly unknown member of the great french tradition of bassclarinetplayers.
kassap plays also cl, ts and ss. great technique, great sound
SOMMER-KASSAP-LEVALET:"bib" (fmp cd 51)
totally free improvised music. setup is reeds/bass/drums
also a great contrabassclarinet player
CHARLES MINGUS:"epitaph" (columbia c2k 45428)
a suite never recorded by mingus in his lifetime.
a very big big band tribute feat. a lot of great players incl. dale kleps on
KOCH,HANS (reeds),Switzerland
h.koch was a classical musician before he became a jazzplayer. a very free
and avatgardistic musician. plays nearly every clarinet, also
PAUL BLEY:"12(+6) in a row (hat art 6081)
very free music, a lot of bassclarinet. the setup is reeds, piano,
flugelhorn. very intersting
KOCH/SCHUETZ/STUDER:"roots and wires" (intakt 060)
a avantgarde set, mixture of electronic loops and free improvisation, very
KOCH/SCHUETZ/STUDER:"fidel" (intakt 056)
another avantgarde recording inspired by cuban music with a great
contrabassclarinet/percussion duo on it
KOCH/SCHUETZ/STUDER:" heavy cairo traffic" (intuition 3175 2)
the swiss trio with different arabic musicians, a lot of bassclarinet like on
every koch/schuetz/studer recording.
KOCH/SCHUETZ/STUDER:"hardcore chamber music" (intakt 042)
the first recording of the trio great bass- and contrabassclarinet.
KOLTERMAN,ECKARD (bassclarinet),Germany
a guy with a very fine sound
THEO JOERGESMANN:"pagine gialle" (hatology 553)
a very intersting recording, a duo with clarinet and bassclarinet, live.
one of the most prominent klezmer clarinetists, plays only very few
DAVID KRAKAUER:"klezmer/ny" (tzadik 7127)
a mixture of klezmer, modern jazz with rock elements, great
DAVID KRAKAUER:"klezmer madness" (tzadik 7101)
another great klezmer recording with guest adam rogers (git)
DAVID KRAKAUER:"a new hot one" (label bleu lblc 6617)
not as good as the other recordings
DAVID KRAKAUER:"live in krakow" (label bleu lblc 6667)
a great live recording feat. a dj.
not really a master.
free jazz, bcl on one track
one of the great jazzmusicians of our time. normally a saxophonist he plays
the altoclarinet very well.
SAXOPHONE SUMMIT:"gathering of spirits" (telarc 83607)
a saxophone trio (joe lovano, michael brecker, dave liebman) with rythm
section. lovano plays alto clarinet on one song.
JIM HALL:"grandslam" (telarc 83485)
a very nice live set. lovano plays one tune on alto clarinet
JAMES EMERY:"fourth world" (between the lines 10190 2)
a great band with james emery (git), joe lovano (reeds), judi silvano
(vocals) and drew gress (bass). lovano plays alto clarinet on one track
JOE LOVANO:"worlds" (evidence 22132 2)
a live recording feat. bill frisell (git), paul motian (drums), tim hagans
(tp). lovano plays a fantastic alto clarinet solo.
JOE LOVANO:"flights of fancy" (blue note 7243 5 27618 2)
lovano in different trio situations. he plays alto clarinet one one track and
bassclarinet on one track.
JOE LOVANO:"universal languade" (blue note 7 99830 2)
one of lovano's best recordings feat. e.g. charlie haden on bass. lovano
plays alto clarinet on one track.
JOE LOVANO:"sounds of joy" (enja 7013)
a great trio with anthony cox (bass) and ed blackwell (drums). one
altoclarinet track. great recording.
JOE LOVANO:" trio fascination" (blue note 7243 8 33114 2)
another fantastic trio with dave holland on bass and elvin jones on drums.
one altoclarinet track.
JOE LOVANO:"rush hour" (blue note 7243 8 29269 2)
from solo to small orchestra. there's everything on this recording. lovano
plays four instruments one one tune (ts,ss,bcl,dr). There's another gunther
schuller tune feat. two bassclarinets and a contrabassclarinet (charles
russo, dennis smylie, michael rabinowitz)
MIKE MAINIERI:" an american diary" (nyc 6015 2)
a great recording by vibist maineri feat. tunes composed by important
american artists like frank zappa, aaron copland, leonard bernstein etc.
lovano plays alto clarinet on three tracks.
JOHN SCOFIELD:"meant to be" (blue note 7 95479 2)
one of the best bands of the late 80'/early 90'. lovano plays altoclarinet on
one track.
MAHALL,RUDI (bassclarinet), Germany
another german specialist. he plays a very open mouthpice with extremly heavy
reeds, sounds more like a trumpet. one of my favorites:
a quartet (bcl/tp/b/dr) performing originals and songs written by thelonious
monk. great!!!
SVEN-AKE JOHANSSON:"six little pieces for quintet" (hatology 538)
free jazz. rudi mahall is great.
DER ROTE BEREICH:"2" (j4e 4727)
very funny avantgardistic music feat. hal crook on trombone
DER ROTE BEREICH:" love me tender" (act 9286 2)
great incl. a weird version of elvis presley's "love me tender".
AKI TAKASE/RUDI MAHALL:"the dessert" (leo lr 370)
free jazz, mahall plays also contrabassclarinet on one tune
AKI TAKASE/RUDI MAHALL:" duet for eric dolphy" (enja enj 9109 2)
a fantastic tribute to eric dolphy. buy it.
AKI TAKASE:" plays fats waller" (enja enj 9152 2)
aki takase in bestform between old tradition, bar jazz and free music with a
great sextet including rudi mahall on bcl AKI TAKASE:"st. louis blues" (enja
enj 9130 2 )
another tribute album (w.c.handy) with fred frith on guitar, german trombone
genius nils wogram, paul lowens on drums and rudi mahall on bassclarinet.
ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH:"monk's casino" (intakt cd 100 )
schlippenbach's complete thelonious monk live program (3 cds). if you love
monk's music, this is a must. mahall plays fantastic on this one.
MANN,HERBIE (flute,bcl), USA
herbie mann was one of the few great flautists in jazz but he has made also
one bassclarinet recording
HERBIE MANN:" great ideas of western mann" (riverside ojccd 1065 2)
a set with a few originals and a few standards. mann is a solid player.
recorded in 1957, before most of eric dolphy's recordings
the great saxophonist of herbie hancock's headhunter band
MILES DAVIS:"the complete jack johnson sessions" (columbia 86359)
a five cd set with only one bcl track but the whole music is great. miles at
his best from the early 70'
MILES DAVIS:"the complete bitches brew sessions" (columbia c4k 65570)
includes the albums "bitches brew" and exerpts from "big fun","circle in the
round" and "live evil". the beginning of fusion jazz. one of the most
important recordings in jazz history. lots of bcl.
LEE MORGAN:"live at the lighthouse" (blue note 7243 8 35228 2)
a three record set with great late trumpeter lee morgan. one track with bcl.
mintzer is known for his fantastic michael brecker-like saxophone playing but
he's also a great bassclarinet player
DON GROLNICK:"weaver of dreams" (blue note 7 94591 2)
a very nice album feat. michael brecker (ts), randy brecker(tp), dave holland
(b) etc.
MAY, CHRISTOF (cl,bcl), Switzerland
plays bcl only very few but with a very nice sound
SUSANNE ABBUEHL:"april" (ecm 1766)
a very nice recording with a great female singer and great songs.
miller is famous for his "tutu" recording together with miles davis.
WAYNE SHORTER:"high life" (verve 314 529 224 2)
a recording with a big orchestra, very few bcl.
moore is also a more avantgardistic player, a potential bass clarinetist.
FRED HERSCH:"thirteen ways" (palmetto 2055)
a unique line up (piano, reeds,drums) with a few bassclarinet pieces on it.
DAVE DOUGLAS:"mountain passages" (greenleaf/koch koc-cd-5802)
dave douglas' new band incl. tuba, cello, drums and michael moore on
as/cl/bcl. one of douglas' best recordings
murray is well known , treats the bassclarinet like a saxophone
DAVID MURRAY:"ballads for bassclarinet" (diw 880)
a fine album in a hardbop context with pianist john hicks.
hard to find, expensive.
one of sun ra's crazy guys
SUN RA:"space is the place" (impulse 12492)
what can I say, a typical sun ra recording. bcl only in the section
PILZ,MICHEL (bassclarinet), Luxemburg
a fantastic unknown avantgarde player with a fantastic sound and technique.
the recordings are hard to find.
MICHEL PILZ:"melu-sina" (drops 16)
very avantgardistic playing but simply great.
PINE,COURTNEY (reeds),Great Britain
pine is a genius on every of his instruments
COURTNEY PINE:" modern day jazz stories" (antilles 529 028 2)
a fantastic recording, mixture between hip hop and coltrane feat. vocalist
cassandra wilson
COURTNEY PINE:"underground" (antilles 537 745 2)
another fantastic recording, similar to the first with two fantastic
bassclarinet solos.
COURTNEY PINE:"back in the day" (blue thumb records 543 580 2)
not as good as the other pine recordings. bassclarinet only in the horn
perhaps the best of the socalled young lions of the saxophone. plays bcl very
well with big vibrato more like a saxophone
SCOTT COLLEY:"this place" (steeplechase sccd 31443)
a trio with master bassist scott colley, drummer bill stewart and chris
potter. there's a great duo version (bass/bcl) of t.monk's "ugly beauty"
SCOTT Colley:"the magic line" (arabesque aj0152)
the same trio. potter plays bcl on two tunes
SCOTT COLLEY:"subliminal" (crisscross 1157)
a quartet with b.stewart and pianist bill carrothers. potter plays bcl on one
DAVE DOUGLAS:"strange liberation" (bluebird 82876-50818 2)
dave douglas recordings are allways worth to listen to. potter plays bcl on
two tracks.
DAVE DOUGLAS:"the infinite" (bluebird 09026 63918 2)
a fine recording with a great version of bjoerk's "unison" and mary j.
blidge's "crazy games". potter plays bcl on one track
BILLY DRUMMOND:"dubai" (crisscross 1120)
a great modern mainstream recording incl. master saxophonist walt weiskopf.
potter plays bcl on one track.
BILLY HART:"oceans of time" (arabesque ajo 129)
a super band with violin, two saxophonists, guitar, piano, bass, drums.
potter plays bcl on one track
RENEE ROSNES:"life on earth" (blue note 7243 5 33997 2 6)
every recording by canadian pianist r.rosnes is worth to listen to. potter
plays bcl on one track
CHRIS POTTER:"concentric circles" (concord jazz ccd 4595)
an early recording of young c.potter. great band (kenny werner on piano). bcl
in some hornsections
CHRIS POTER:"moving in" (concord jazz ccd 4723)
potter plays bcl on one tune. young brad mehldau plays on this recording
CHRIS POTTER:"vertigo" (concord jazz ccd 4843 2)
a great recording. potter plays bcl on two tracks. joe lovano is the guest
CHRIS POTTER:"pure" (concord jazz ccd 4637)
another early potter recording with some bcl in the horn section.
CHRIS POTTER/KENNY WERNER:" concord duo series vol.10" (concord jazz ccd
4695) a fantastic live duo recording with some great bcl on kurt
weill's"september song". check this out.
CHRIS POTTER:"gratitude" (verve 549 433 2)
bcl in the horn section and in a bcl/bass duo over "body and soul"
CHRIS POTTER:"travelling mercies" (verve 018 243 2)
potter is getting more modern, using some electronics feat. john scofield on
guitar. only very little bcl.
WAYNE SHORTER:"alegria" (verve 543 558 2)
shorter's latest release. potter plays bcl on one track. there's another
bassclarinet player in the horn section, allen blustine.
PUNTIN,CLAUDIO (clarinets),Switzerland
a player of great potential with a very sweet sound
CLAUDIO PUNTIN:"ylir" (ecm 1749)
a duo recording with a violinist from iceland. cosmic music!
a lot of bassclarinet.
RIESSLER,MICHAEL (reeds),Germany
riessler came out of the classical scene. great technique
MICHAEL RIESSLER:"orange" (act 9274 2)
an interesting record feat. vocals/accorion and a barrel-organ.
some great french inspired music with a lot of bcl.
one of the godfathers of free jazz
DAVE HOLLAND:"conference of the birds" (ecm 1027)
two of the best free jazz reedists (sam rivers, anthony braxton) perform on
this milestone.
BOBBY HUTCHERSON:"dialogue" (blue note 7243 5 35586 2)
one of hutcherson's best recordings. sam rivers plays bcl on one track.
robinson is a fabulous big band player
MARIA SCHNEIDER:"evanescence" (enja enj 8048 2)
the maria schneider big band belongs to the most innovative and best in the
world. bcl only in the saxophone section.
MARIA SCHNEIDER:"coming about" (enja enj 9069 2)
another great recording. again, bcl only in the section.
MARIA SCHNEIDER:"allégresse" ( enja enj 9393 2)
perhaps the best of the three recordings. bcl only in the section.
GARY SMULYAN:" saxophone mosaic" (crisscross 1092)
a band of six saxophonists and a rhythm section. bcl only in the section.
WALT WEISKOPF:"siren" (crisscross 1187)
walt weiskopf is a fantastic totally underrated saxophone player. his
recordings are all sensational modern jazz. robinson plays baritone sax and
bcl on one track
WALT WEISKOPF:"song for my mother" (crisscross 1127)
another great weiskopf. one short bcl solo.
another fine big band player
DAVID SANCHEZ:"obsesión" (columbia ck 69116)
an album of latin ballads by tenor player david sanchez. bcl only in the
JOHN SCOFIELD:"quiet" (verve 533 185 2)
scofield on acoustic guitar. rosenberg only in the horn section.
a section player.
JOE LOVANO:"viva caruso" (blue note 7243 5 35986 2)
a tribute to the great singer. russo plays in a small orchestra. lovano plays
great tenor sax.
SANDERS,PHAROAH (tenor saxophon), USA
sanders has only played very few bcl.
JOHN COLTRANE:"live in japan" (impulse grp 41022)
another one of coltrane's late live recordings, very free, very powerful
bassclarinet on one tune
PHAROAH SANDERS:"jewels of thought" (impulse 12472)
a free jazz album from 1969 incl. some sanders on contrabass clarinet
SCLAVIS,LOUIS (ss,cl,bcl), France
one of the best bassclarinet players worldwide. he was also a classical
musician, played e.g. with pierre boulez
DAVE DOUGLAS:"bow river falls" (premonition/koch koc 5744)
avantgarde jazz. sclavis sounds great together with douglas.
TRIO DE CLARINETTES:"live" (fmp 39)
three of the best french clarinet players (louis sclavis, armand angster,
jacques di donato) play avantgarde music incl. a tune composed by pierre
boulez. everybody plays bcl on this recording. great!
DOUBLE TRIO:"green dolphy suite" (enja enj 9011 2)
the same trio feat. a string trio incl. mark feldman on violin. again very
avantgardistic with a lot of bassclarinet.
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"ceux qui veillent la nuit" (label bleu lblc 6596)
a great trio with bass/drums. there's a bcl solo piece on it (only with
trills and arpeggios). fantastic.
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"l'affrontement des prétendants" (ecm 1705)
a quintet feat. a french trumpet player. again, great bcl playing.
one of sclavis best recordings
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"dans la nuit" (ecm 1805)
film music for a silent movie. not as good as the other sclavis'.
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"napoli's walls" (ecm 1857)
his latest release. a quartet feat. cello/electronics/trumpet/guitar.
sclavis plays also baritone sax for the first time.
LOUIS SCLAVIS: "clarinettes" (label bleu 6626)
an important record. sclavis plays up to 15! clarinettes (overdup) on the
LOUIS SCLAVIS: "carnet de routes" (label bleu lblc 6569)
my personal favorite. a trio reeds/bass/drums. very powerful and creative
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"suite africaine" (label bleu lblc 6609)
the same trio as above. not as good but also very good
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"acoustic quartet" (ecm 1526)
a quartet feat. french master violinist dominique pifarély
FABIEN TEHERICSEN:" le concerto improvisé" (enja enj 9397 2)
a modern concerto for string orchestra and improvised bassclarinet. very good
(a lot of effects like slap tounging, false fingering etc.)
LOUIS SCLAVIS:"rouge" (ecm 1458)
slavis' first ecm recording. he plays more soprano saxophone and soprano
clarinet than bassclarinet on this one but it's also great LOUIS
SCLAVIS:"chine/chamber music" (label bleu lblc 6656/57)
a double cd with two re-issued albums from '87 and '89. slavis plays one
track only on the bassclarinet keys (chine) and a great bassclarinet duo
with himself (chamber music). including some of the best french musicians
(bruno chevillion, michel godard, dominique pifarely etc).
the first alto player of the mingus bigband.
STEVE SLAGLE:"plays monk" (steeplechase sccd 31446)
slagle solos on one track with the altoclarinet
SCHMID,PETER (reeds), Switzerland
a great avantgarde player, plays also a lot of contrabassclarinet
PETER SCHMID:"schmilz" (creative works 1041)
a quartet recording with michel pilz as second bass clarinetist. really lots
of bcl on it
PETER SCHMID:"en passant" (creative works 1042)
great duo recording feat. ned rothenberg on cl, bcl, as, shakuhachi and peter
schmid on bcl, cbcl, tubax (a contrabass saxophone) and taragot. lots of
great improvisations.
one of the many young saxophonists, a good bassclarinet player
ROY HAYNES:"fountain of youth" (dreyfus fdm 36663 2)
haynes is 78 years old and is still a fantastic drummer. a great live set
from the birdland/nyc. strickland plays bcl on the traditional
SURMAN,JOHN (reeds),Great Britain
surman is known as a great baritone sax player. he uses the bcl for more
modal pieces.
ANOUAR BRAHEM:"thimar" (ecm 1641)
a very nice trio recording with surman on ss/bcl, dave holland on bass and
brahem on oud.
TARDY,GREGORY (ts, cl,bcl), USA
a fine young saxophone and bassclarinet player. plays now in andrew hill's
DAVE DOUGLAS:"soul on soul" (rca victor 09026 63603 2)
a mary lou williams tribute with two great reed players (chris speed on ts,
cl and gregory tardy on ts,cl,bcl)
the son of french master bassplayer Henri Texier. one of the very few alto
clarinet players. HENRI TEXIER: "(v)ivre (label bleu 6668)
although there's very few cl and acl on this recording, this is one of the
best modern jazz records I own. really fantastic, check it out.
one of my favorites. a great player/composer
TROVESI/COSCIA:"radici" (sca 050)
a clarinet/accordion duo plays a mixture of klezmer/tango/italien folk music.
fantastic. trovesi plays a lot of altoclarinet
TROVESI/COSCIA:"in cerca di cibo" (ecm 1703)
also fantastic. check it out
TROVESI/COSCIA:"round about weill" (ecm 1907)
inspired by kurt weill's "rise and fall of the city of mahagonny".
trovesi plays altoclarinet and eb-piccolo clarinet. music, full of emotion,
fun and spirit.
tenor saxophonist just starts using the bcl
KURT ROSENWINKEL:" heartcore" (verve 0731458977629)
a recording betwenn avantgarde, folk music and electronic music. bcl on two
FLY (savoy svy 17325)
turners new trio feat. larry grenadier on bass and jeff ballard on drums.
great modern music. bcl on one track
ULLMANN,GEBHARD (ts,ss,bcl),Germany
ullmann is becoming more and more a bassclarinet specialist, avantgarde
THE CLARINET TRIO:"oct.1, '98" (leo 058)
a trio (two bassclarinets, one clarinet) feat. juergen kupke, theo nabicht
and gebhard ullmann from berlin. free jazz
GEBHARD ULLMANN:" tá lam" (songlines 1520 2)
a kind of a woodwind orchestra (7 reedists, 4 of them play also
bassclarinet). lots of bcl on this recording
his first instrument is the alto saxophone
BRIAN BLADE:"perceptual" (blue note 7243 5 23571 2)
master drummer brian blade with is own band. m.waldon plays only a chort pice
on the bcl.
I know him only as a sideman
GEORGE GARZONE:"moodiology" (nyc 6031 2)
you can hear yates' bassclarinet only in the horn section but tenor saxophon
player george garzone is in great mood.
MINGUS BIG BAND:"tonight at noon" (dreyfus fdm 36633 2)
the mingus big band is great. there's one tune on this recording feat. elvis
costello on vocals. yates plays only in the section.
a big band altoist, playing a little bit bassclarinet
JOE HENDERSON:"in pursuit of blackness" (milestones msp 9034)
one of henderson's recordings from the early 70'
Peter fuglsang
Uli Drechsler ( who compiled this list )
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