The Ethnic Clarinet
Author: amys
Date: 2006-12-10 01:14
Does anyone know where I can get the sheet music for tracks 6 and 8 of Giora Feidman's cd, Nigunim of my People? They're titled Tarras' freilach and Trance Nigun.
Post Edited (2006-12-10 18:23)
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Author: Ralph Katz
Date: 2006-12-12 02:09
No idea.
Track 6 "The Tarras' Freylach" should be easy to transcribe.
Track 8 is "Rabbi Chaim's Dance" (Folk)
Track 9 "Trance Nigun", says it is written by one Leonard Bernstein.
There is so much stuff available on recordings, and so little sheet music. A lot of available transcriptions are either so poorly done or so overly ornamented as to be useless on gigs. It has worked much better to generate my own sheet music for traditional (i.e., not composed) tunes from archival recordings.
Best if you can preset points to start/stop the audio, like at the beginning of sections, either with a CD player that can do this, or by converting the tune to MP3 and using the player on your computer. (Remember that even if the tune is public domain, the performance may not be, and you should not distribute copyrighted recordings.)
Map out the overall section structure for the entire tune first - I do this on paper, in pencil. For example, 1) Intro, 2) Verse, 3) Chorus, 4) Interlude, 5) Verse, 6) Chorus, 7) Coda.
Decide on the best meter to use for notating the piece, then count the bars in each section and add the counts to your map. Last, add the audio counter values for the start and end of each section. For example:
"4) Interlude - starts bar 65 count 1:05, ends bar 78 count 1:16."
Good luck.
Post Edited (2006-12-12 02:12)
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Author: pamalabu
Date: 2007-02-24 10:34
I am looking for any online available sheet music for kleyzmer tunes for the clarinet or other ethnic music for the clarinet.
Please post sheet music, if you have any, is that possible?
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2007-02-24 12:27
pamalabu wrote:
> I am looking for any online available sheet music for kleyzmer
> tunes for the clarinet or other ethnic music for the clarinet.
Not really. If the music has been vetted by me (no infringement of copyright, etc. - just because it's a traditional tune doesn't mean that an arrangement hasn't been copyrighted) then it might get into which has a couple of klesmer tunes.
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Author: tommy d
Date: 2007-03-11 21:31
have you tried googling 'schoeller klezmer'? lots of fantastic tunes for a range of instruments and a very helpful fellow too. Also google a German site 'stifderhof klezmer'. Again a good range of tunes and arrangements
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Author: tommy d
Date: 2007-03-11 21:43
oops. That should have been
Also try googling 'Manchester Klezmer' which is quite old but got some good tunes.
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