The Fingering Forum
Author: kerryklari
Date: 2022-06-18 12:53
I'm aware of a couple of comprehensive fingering guides for Boehm system clarinets that give a range of alternative fingerings. Tom Ridenour's for example says it has over 200 fingerings for the upper registers. Does anyone know of any equivalent for German system clarinets? I have a couple of basic guides that include standard trill fingerings, but neither is anything like as comprehensive as the Ridenour book. I'm also aware of the fingering charts on and they also have some additional fingerings, but not a huge number. I'd be happy to find either a book on online guide.
Alternative fingering guide for Oehler/German system clarinet? new |
kerryklari |
2022-06-18 12:53 |
The Clarinet Pages