The Fingering Forum
Author: Trentus
Date: 2006-08-08 00:33
I'm looking for multiphonic fingerings for the alto sax. The piece I need them for has suggestions, but theres one that I just can't hit. The multiphonic is G double shap and High F (palm key F).
The suggested fingering is oox|ooo Eb. (where o denotes a closed key, and X denotes an open key).
Does anyone know of any other fingerings for this multiphonic, or does anyone have any tips on how I can hit it?
Hit a wrong note once, it's a mistake. Do it again, it's jazz.
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Author: Markus Wenninger
Date: 2006-08-15 06:25
Perhaps You already know about Kientzy´s concisive book about Saxophone-multiphonics? It´s bilingual, French publisher:
Daniel Kientzy, Les Sons Multiples aux Saxophones, Salabert 1982, E.A.S 17543.
It´s the most often exploited source for saxophone-multiphonics, and generally extremely versatile.
Producing multiphonics isn´t at all like producing chords; the latter are a defined preset set of certain pitches, and the former are a continuum of frequencies. Therefore both must not be confused - which composers often do, writing down three or four pitches to be hit as they were with,e.g., a guitar or piano. Windinstrument multiphonics are a different category altogether, a phenomenon all on their own; so I wouldn´t fret about those notated pitches too much ( a thing the unsurpassable H. Spaarnay, bcl, said him self to me once discussing your problem exactly), either the fingering given results in a satisfactory multiphonic, so You use that, or, if the result doesn´t fit in the piece at all, You choose one that fits on Your own, consulting sources like the Kientzy. The point is to adhere to the composition, the deep structure of it.
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Author: elanah.hanale
Date: 2007-01-27 00:54
i would like to help here but i have a (probably really bad stupid) question.
i think i understand the consept of multiphonics, but i really need a better explination?
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Author: EuGeneSee
Date: 2007-02-19 15:56
I also would like to know more about multiphonics - it sounds like producing a spread of notes around a certain central note (like maybe a subset snippet from white noise?). So,what are multiphonics, how are they produced (by what phenomenon), and can other woodwinds produce them?
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2007-02-19 23:50
My teacher once demonstrated multiphonics to me. Bizarre. Like the long B (middle-staff) with the lowermost pad not 100% closed plus overblowing. Kinda "beginner squawk" but on purpose.
I think that growling produces more pleasant "fake multiphonics", but that's my personal opinion...
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