The Fingering Forum
Author: Anders Cheng
Date: 2006-01-20 10:06
I bought a dizi(chinese bamboo flute)
I'm looking for a fingering chart in 'd'
besides that i am wondering about the four holes at the far end of the flute.(two at the bottom and two on top)
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Author: Daniel
Date: 2006-03-10 01:14
well, the end holes dont matter. i dont know what they're for. i no a site for a tutorial but its not that good, and,its
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Author: Markus Wenninger
Date: 2006-04-19 14:26
exactly,the endholes are for decoration (sometimes You´ll find a red thread tied there, or a tassel). I suggest, apart form fingering charts to be found in ethnological writings, or the libraries of ethnological/music-ethnological faculties at universities (I got mine from a publication for the "Institue of Ethno-Musicology" of the Freie Universität Berlin), fingering charts of recoder flutes are instructive, and,of course, charts for the Renaissance traverse flute. At the beginning it helps to close the hole for the thin ricepaper-membrane (second after the blowhole) with simple clear tape, until You get a feel for the toneproduction, then go on to the buzzing effect.
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