Author: vboboe
Date: 2006-08-14 22:34
Thanks for quick responses so far :-)
yes, i was going to ask doboe that too, for example, if trying to match pitch for entire note with electric keyboard which doesn't change, yet aiming only for 95% with tuner which also doesn't change (?) wouldn't that leave a 'margin of acceptability' when goal is trying to establish true pitch in memory?
like mschmidt totally identify with frustration that singing skills don't seem to translate readily to oboe, can only assume that might be brain's language processor is already hot-wired to voice from early infancy, but voice & language isn't connected to motor nerves of arms, hands & fingers & so can't transfer anything to instrument fingering process -- have to build a new skill in neurons
and mschmidt says it's hard to hear in what direction off, something i've found in band but didn't have in choir after a few years, which is basically what ohsuzan means by hearing where you are in relationship to whatever else is going on -- but ohsuzan already knows how to play back what she hears ('easy' stuff anyway)
... maybe being able to hear where you are in relationship to everyone else is also dependant on having a 'true pitch' in memory already?
So, ohsuzan, how did you actually learn to play back what you hear, by what process and over what period of time did you acquire this skill?
Since you 'just know' now (you're on what i call 'automatic pilot') were you born with the talent to just do it, or did you actually learn it some way at some time in your life?