The Oboe BBoard
Author: reederrabbit
Date: 2024-07-28 00:30
I'm curious to try a short scrape reed (I know there is not one style), but shipping from Europe to the US is expensive.
Does anyone sell them in the US or Canada?
(Why do I want to try? Just because. I know I'll probably struggle to sound good with them since I'm used to American reeds, but that's ok.)
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Author: Hotboy
Date: 2024-07-29 20:36
Amazon sells for "SKYOBOEREED5"
Bay Area, California
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Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2024-07-30 05:05
I got short scrape reeds from Howarths in the UK delivered cheaper than I can get American scrape. However they were a bit variable; I got a soft and a medium and the medium was softer than the soft.
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Author: Jeltsin
Date: 2024-07-30 11:33
Le rosseau chantant has moved to Canada but their reads are very expensive and the time until you get your reeds could be several month.
Many oboeplayers say the reeds from Le rosseau chantant are the best.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2024-07-30 17:43
I used to buy my reeds off eBay from a reedmaker in Korea whose reeds were 99% ready to go straight from the profiling machine with very little fettling needed doing to them, so search eBay for Chiarugi No.2 (or No.2+) and you'll find them for sale individually or in packs of 10, 20 and 30 which works out far less costly than buying reed blanks or part scraped reeds. Check the different pricing as they're sold under several currencies and the exchange rate may be in your favour on other currencies besides the US$.
I still use his cor reeds as Legere still haven't released their synthetic cor reed (I no longer use cane reeds in favour of Legeres on all other woodwinds).
The other options if you want to go synthetic are Legere or Silverstein Ambipoly as they're both offered with European U scrape.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Oboe2024
Date: 2024-08-03 02:51
Legere OBOE reeds are a disappointment. I ordered one ($155 CAD) and it arrived in a factory-sealed package. When I opened it, there was a visible 1-cm split along the spine (not seen from outside the box). I was fully refunded from Amazon.
I contacted Legere directly and was sent a replacement at no charge. However, when rehearsing with it the third time, it split along the spine.
I use SINGLE REEDS made by Legere, and am happy with those. But, for me, the oboe reed is a dud.
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Author: reederrabbit
Date: 2024-08-04 17:42
To the person who suggested Le Roseau chantant -
I had heard good things about Le Roseau chantant, and their website says they're in Quebec, but when I go to use their cart, it says it ships via Bulgaria Post and I could only pay in Euro. I used their contact form months ago to ask where they actually shipped from and about currency if I ordered from the US and got no response.
Do you know what the deal is? Are they really shipping from Canada?
Post Edited (2024-08-04 17:44)
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Author: Jeltsin
Date: 2024-08-04 20:54
About Le Roseau Chantant: I havn´t bought their reeds for serveral years and last time I bought them from France. For me the narrow reeds from Regency reeds are equally as good and much cheeper (The best for me is a medium-hard Chang read on 46 mm staples).
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