The Oboe BBoard
Author: Jpoboe
Date: 2024-05-22 16:09
Good day,
I was looking for the Wenger Swiss Star Oboe knife, by It is the foldable, double bladed one, and since I am a young oboist, I recently started making reeds and acquiring the materials, and this knife was recommended by my teacher, being the one he uses. Until now, I have not been lucky to find one, and I found this forum and maybe someone could know somewhere that still has some old stock or someone selling it used. I just really liked the knife because it looks really useful and portable, and honestly I wouldn't mind buying one used, so worth a shot.
Any help is appreciated.
Best regards
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Author: Hotboy
Date: 2024-06-02 16:09
I wouldn't worry about buying the exact specific model of knife your teacher uses. Length, weight, and grind are all user dependent, so find a knife that feels good in your hand and you can easily sharpen, and it will likely be best for you.
Bay Area, California
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