The Oboe BBoard
Author: Hotboy
Date: 2023-07-21 17:36
No video posted. It might not need cleaning. The key post might be twisted slightly, causing the key to bind, or the screw rod might be screwed too tight.
There also might be a light bit of corrosion in the rod. Try adding a drop of key oil where it pivots, and also loosening the screw rod out 1/8 inch, then screwing back only until it stops without tightness.
If all that doesn't work,you need a repair tech.
Bay Area, California
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2023-07-23 00:22
By "G key", do you mean the LH3 fingerplate or the RH1 fingerplate? Both of these fingerplates can be labelled as the G key depending on your point of view, only that's vague, so labelling the main action fingerplates, ring keys and open toneholes after the finger that directly controls them (LH1, LH2, LH3, RH1, RH2, RH3) is much better when diagnosing problems and also applies across all the woodwinds.
In either case, both these fingerplates are mounted on rod screws, so check the rod screw for rust/corrosion or if the oil has become gummy if the wrong type of oil has been used as key oil - 3 In 1 oil should never be used on oboes (or any other instruments) as that contains resin. Also check the needle spring is engaged in its cradle and hasn't broken or lost its tension.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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