The Oboe BBoard
Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2019-10-16 23:13
OK, I can figure out how to hold everything shut to check the upper joint for leaks; it is definitely ok. However I highly suspect the lower joint as having problems but I don't know what they are, and I simply cannot figure out how to close off everything to do the suction test; I don't have enough hands. Is there a picture somewhere of someone doing this?
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Author: purpleyclouds
Date: 2019-10-18 12:17
Hi EaubeauHorn, do you mean the middle joint? I do this by making a seal with my mouth on the top tenon, holding down RH1, RH2, RH3 and the low C key with my right hand, sealing the lower tenon with the palm of my left hand and closing the low B vent with my left pinky. Hope this helps!
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2019-10-18 15:54
With just the lower joint, close off all the RH fingers and hold the low B closed and seal off the tenon with your left hand, then suck the air from the socket making sure you don't accidentally get the feather keys up your nostrils. And with cors anglais, watch out for the feather keys poking you in the your eye when doing this same test.
The usual suspect is the forked F vent which is fully closed while no fingers are on the RH main action, then it opens when just RH3 is held down (as though you're playing forked F) and closed by RH2 whilst RH3 is held down.
Check that by keeping RH3 held down and opening/closing RH2 and using a feeler gauge, checking the forked F vent pad and RH2 pad to be sure both are closing together. Also check the small F# pad (in between RH 1 and 2) and its closure with RH2 and 3.
Chances are a vacuum test will suck the forked F vent closed, so it's not the best test to do in this instance. A much better test is a pressure test by either gently blowing air into the lower joint while all the keys are held closed and the tenon is sealed off, or using a magnehelic machine which should read 0 when there aren't any leaks.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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