The Oboe BBoard
Author: oboist2
Date: 2019-05-17 02:23
I am concerned about the lack of postings on this page. I know there are many other avenues, including the ubiquitous Facebook, but this is still a valuable resource and one I hope the oboe and bassoon community will continue to support. Let's keep posting our queries and observances here. it is a fabulous resource.
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Author: ckoboe777
Date: 2019-10-07 08:59
Well, it really seems like this site's time is coming to a close... I've gotten a lot of insight from older posts, but as of late (really meaning the last two years), the "level" of general discussion has fallen... A few years back, people were having serious discussion about consequential topics - gouger measurements, cane selection, audition repertoire, phrasing, etc. - and now the discussion here has come to praising Bundy oboes...
Really, if you like the anonymous nature of this site,Reddit nowadays is probably a better resource - there are lots of professional players lurking on the r/oboe subreddit...
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Author: mschmidt
Date: 2019-10-07 09:13
Praising Bundy oboes? I must have missed that.
Still an Amateur, but not really middle-aged anymore
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Author: Hotboy
Date: 2019-10-07 19:20
Same thing happening on all the other BBoards on this site...almost no activity.
Bay Area, California
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Author: Mark Charette
Date: 2019-10-07 20:50
Hotboy wrote:
> Same thing happening on all the other BBoards on this
> site...almost no activity.
The Clarinet BBoard has plenty of activity, but you're right - there are many alternatives for most things. The only reason I keep this part running is that it doesn't cause me any additional work.
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2019-10-08 00:16
It is a great pity if this does close.... Unfortunately the lure of social media has largely attracted too many. It would be great if we can keep this active and get some of the high profile members back again. I have found the BBoard so helpful over the years. I appreciate all the fine work Mark has done.
Post Edited (2019-10-08 00:17)
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Author: mjfoboe
Date: 2019-10-13 20:20
Unfortunately ..... there are many very alive and fruitful oboe groups on Facebook. In many ways the Facebook format is very user friendly, in that, you can see all the posts at once and learn about the other participants backgrounds as well as cross group activities.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2019-10-15 15:53
Apparently this bulletin board is dead or dying. Now that's a shame. I guess it's in competition with other social media sites on the internet.
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Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2019-10-15 23:05
I haven't been able to find active and useful groups on Facebook, and given that this one is doing what it's doing, can someone point me to those groups?
Edit: I went and looked at Facebook and I am a member of the group called Oboes. However, the posts seem to ALL be advertising/selling, for some reason pictures of reeds, and people with videos of themselves playing music I'm not interested in. So....none of the fine discussion that used to happen. It must be "the times" because I have seen this happen with various other music-oriented groups. New generation simply has different values. I have to assume that those who came before my generation had similar concerns.
Post Edited (2019-10-15 23:23)
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2019-10-16 07:19
There is the International Double Reed page, British Double reed Page, Australasian double reed page, Oboists in the world. Undertstanding the oboe reed, cane exchange,....they are just a few. I still like this list though and pity that many of the professionals and others no longer contribute to this one.
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