The Oboe BBoard
Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-06-01 07:40
Okay.. Well I had trouble taking my oboe apart. I thought I carefully put my hands over the mechanism..
But now my c sharp is stuffy
Is there a screw that I just need to locate to try and remedy the problem?
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Author: oboeyogi
Date: 2017-06-01 08:48
Sounds like the C# pad is not lifting fully. Is it only Low C#?
I find some days the pad gets stuck and just needs to be open once to break the seal and then I don't need to touch it for month or so depending on the whether. But that's is when the C# does not play at all and I get a C instead.
Try open the C# pad by pushing down on the adjustment screw that's by the B pad to open the C# pad just with your finger (no adjustments) . It should be the lowest adjustment screw on the bottom joint just above the bell.
Maybe that's all it needs.
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-06-01 08:50
The forked f is also very stuffy. A bit mad at myself for somehow putting it out of alignment already!
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-06-01 08:52
Your a gem!
Is there a book or something on oboe adjustments that I can buy?
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-06-01 09:23
There is still a rattle when I play c sharp... But it isn't stuffy anymore...
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Author: oboeyogi
Date: 2017-06-01 09:40
I know that its. I was lucky that I was adjusting them for years then John Armstrong showed me the fine adjustments his way which made all the difference.
If you do a post or a search on this board you will get a good response.
As for your new oboe going out of adjustment its just the corks buffers bedding in.
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2017-06-03 05:19
The rattle could be your reed, or you may be biting a little down there. Try relaxing the jaw and opening the throat. it usually works with my students.
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Author: SarahC
Date: 2017-06-20 12:02
Is there any other reason it could be rattling?
I tired lots of reeds.. On most it rattles.
I tried adjusting my embouchure
I tried long and short scrape
I tried checking every hole for water (my friend thought it sounded like spit gurgling...)
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