The Oboe BBoard
Author: Lux
Date: 2017-02-27 15:36
I am reading that the Yamaha 832 was made with a "right-hand triple C system" or as some other manufacturers call it the 1-2-3 system. What is this and how does it work mechanically"? It doesn't appear that any of the other Yamaha models are made with this system; I guess it wasn't good??
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Author: wrowand
Date: 2017-02-27 16:09
I believe that it means that the right-hand 2 3 keys (middle and ring finger) will operate the Bb and C vents on the upper joint (just the like the RH 1st finger does on the "normal" conservatory system).
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2017-02-28 16:37
You can choose which of the RH fingers gives the best tone or tuning for Bb and C in either register - the lower register C will definitely benefit by using another RH finger held down further down the instrument as it can be very bright when played using the usual xoo|xoo fingering. You can even use the low C#, C, B or Bb keys if you want as all the open standing lower joint keys are linked to this mechanism on full German spec oboes.
The problem with the conservatoire 1-2-3 mechanism is assembling the joints is made more difficult due to the fact the linkage from the RH1 fingerplate is raised when any of the lower joint keys are held closed, so the risk of bending the linkages or tearing off the key cork on the con bar (on the top joint) is considerably higher compared to oboes without the conservatoire 1-2-3 mechanism.
Usually the adjusting screw that links the mechanism to the F# key (the small pad cup in between RH1 and RH2 fingerplates) can be backed off completely to disengage it, otherwise the adjusting screw pip can either be filed down or removed completely (as can the small linkage arm on the F# key) should you not want it.
Some oboes have a small touchpiece (like a top joint trill key touchpiece) fitted to the linkage so it can be operated by RH finger 1 without closing any RH keys - that gives a much better tone to the lower register C.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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