The Oboe BBoard
Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2017-02-25 01:42
I"m really enjoying playing my new (very old) S2 Howarth Thumb Plate. It plays very well in tune when I use it with my minus one CDs recordings (Guest Spot). However, I've noticed that the middle Eb (top space) quite often 'flies' when I attempt to play it so I"ve been using the 1st octave key for itl and this fixes the problem. It doesn't effect the tuning all that much either. The same thing happens with the D just below it but no where as often but I don't use the octave key for that. Or is there an adjustment that I could do to fix this.
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2017-02-25 02:22
Dear Barry, it my very well be that the reeds you are playing on could be the problem as this is not something that should happen. If this not being the case, you could send your oboe to Richard Craig for adjustment, but I think you have recently purchased this from him so it shouldn't be a problem. Perhaps email him for his suggestions. Also make sure you are not swallowing too much reed and keep a relatively open embouchure. A reed with a little more resistance may help, but make sure you support your air column well. Cheers, Geoff Pearce
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2017-02-25 02:27
Also, do check that your 1/2 hole is not blocked in any way, although if it is, it would cause a drop to the lower octave when using it and that would also affect the C sharp.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2017-02-25 07:50
Thanks for the response Geoff. I do have the C# tone hole (1st Finger) (1/2 hole) set to just slightly above the tone hole with the Thumb Plate depressed and I've tried the other setting with it fully down but with no effect on the problem note.
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Author: oboist2
Date: 2017-02-25 07:56
OK, so you lift your finger off the half hole? Personally I have always rolled it to uncover the hole. It should not make a difference which method you use. I know at the last double reed national in Sydney, Gordon Hunt recommended lifting as you do.......but try rolling off the whole and see if that works better. Otherwise you may need a slightly more resistant reed.
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2017-02-25 08:37
Sometimes the Eb can be helped by holding the top plate closed by the extension tab only but leaving the aperture uncovered instead of lifting off completely.
If you lift LH1 off, make sure the top plate is screwed down so it only just moves by a barely perceptible amount, but still has less than a hair's width of movement in it. Adjust it so upper register C#, D and Eb and C#, D and Eb in the altissimo speak cleanly too.
Is the LH1 fingerplate completely independent (with the adjusting screw tip making direct contact with a silencing disc glued to the body) or is it lowered via a linkage arm connecting it to the LH2 ring key (with an adjusting screw)?
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2017-02-25 08:58
Hi again Geoff . I just roll my first finger on the 1/2 hole plate. If I slide it , my second finger also slides slightly off it's open ring which results in the Eb not sounding at all. I never lift my 1st finger off the plate I have checked that the diamond shaped orifice is clear also.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2017-02-25 09:09
Hi Chris. Yes. that's what I actually do. I roll my 1st finger up against the extension tab a bit. As I mentioned to Geoff , if I slide my 1st finger it often causes my 2nd finger to also slightly slide off it's open ring resulting in the Eb not sounding at all.
So , as you say, those who lift their 1st finger off the LH 1 plate , need to have this plate adjusted to remain very slightly opened with the Thumb Plate depressed. Does this mean that , as I actually roll my finger, this plate needs to be adjusted to be completely closed with the TP depressed.
The 1st finger (LH 1) finger plate is completely independent and has an adjusting screw. It is not connected to the LH 2 ring key.
Post Edited (2017-02-25 10:48)
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Author: Chris P
Date: 2017-02-25 15:36
The top plate should be adjusted so it has a tiny amount of movement in it when the other LH ring keys are closed (depending on the configuration - usually by the LH2 ring key or the LH3 ring key if an S2 was ordered with fully automatic 8ves).
The thumbplate will fully close both Bb and C toneholes and on instruments with the LH1 fingerplate linked to the LH2 ring key/C key, it will lower the top plate but won't fully close it - just leaving it open by a mere crack. You probably won't see that it's only just open, but you should just be able to feel it when closing LH1 lightly.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2017-02-26 02:17
Hi Chris. Yes. I"ve now set the adjustment so that the top plate is now only just very slightly above the tone hole when either the Thumb Plate or the 2nd ring is pressed The 3rd finger ring is only decorative. It's not part of the mechanism.
As well as this I"m finding that the Eb ( top space) half hole fingerings without the 1st Otave key is not necessary as I can just finger this note like the E / F ect above. (no half holeing plus octave key) I don't actually hear any serious tuning problems in doing this. Perhaps a slight sharpness which is easily fix with the embouchure. And the Eb problem I mentioned before is now fixed as well.
Post Edited (2017-02-26 04:28)
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