The Oboe BBoard
Author: Lux
Date: 2017-02-16 16:42
So, flutes can come in A=440 all the way up to 445. So, in a sense, the tuning of the horn is set when it's made. I've heard the same thing said of oboes, the tuning is established at the factory when it's made. Having said that, are oboes tuned to 440,441, 442, 445 etc when made as well? Granted, playing a 442 flute at 440 isn't much of an issue and the pitch difference may very well be imperceptible. What about other instruments? Are clarinets made in specific frequencies?
Thanks guys!
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Author: ckoboe777
Date: 2017-02-17 00:14
Some instruments are sharper, and others are flatter, but really, pitch depends mainly on the reed and the way it is played.
For example, Liang Wang of the NY Phil used to play a Laubin (pretty flat) in an orchestra that tunes to 442.
Besides, pitch is a relative thing, and some people have inherently different pitches based on the way they play.
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Author: Wes
Date: 2017-02-17 05:47
Yes, I also have a Laubin from the 1990s which is fine for A440, but I just could not use it in a A442 group. I recall that Laubin tried to make an oboe on request at A446, but never would try that again. Lorees that I've played really like to ring at A440, from what I've seen. I played one in an A442 group for a while and would squeeze the tuning note up to A442, but I could never make an A442 reed for a Loree.
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Author: ckoboe777
Date: 2017-02-18 00:25
Liang Wang now plays his own "Liang" Loree model which all his students also play. It is pitched higher than the standard Loree Royals and Laubins, which are pretty flat. Nonetheless, he doesn't sound "off" in any way in terms of tuning, even in the recordings where he uses a Laubin.
Personally, from my experience using a Loree Royal AK, (relatively flat compared to the regular AK's/ standards I've tried), I found that the relative flatness of my instrument isn't the main factor determining pitch. By making my reeds inherently sharper at a C#, I can easily raise the pitch up to 442.
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