The Oboe BBoard
Author: Chris P
Date: 2017-02-04 03:21
Chances are it's an Italian stencil model made either by Prestini or Orsi, like the old entry level Howarth B model (although the Howarth ones had the bore reamed up to Howarth spec at Howarth).
The Howarth S10 is the same spec, but that's made by Howarth whereas the B model was an import to fill the gap in the market for a decent affordable beginner model oboe that's far better than the B&H Regent (or B&H "Reject" as I call them).
They seem to be everywhere in the UK - the majority of players having started on them. The ring key model didn't originally have a forked F vent, so the Eb key was held down to compensate for that. Later models had the forked F vent, low B-C link and also full plateaux keywork. They were last imported by Howarth in the early 2000s.
I think that around £300 is way over and above what they're worth to be honest as they're only basic thumbplate models - look for Buisson, Selmer Console/Gold Seal/Sterling or Rudall Carte oboes as chances are they're the same thing and much lower priced. You can easily identify them as the 2nd 8ve key barrel runs down the front of the top joint and meets the C-D trill key just above the LH1 fingerplate.
The keywork is either unplated nickel silver, nickel plated or silver plated depending what was ordered.
Avoid the near identical looking Artia, Amati, Corton or Lignatone oboes like the plague - they're all made by Amati (Czechoslovakia) and the top joint is often massively overbroached, so the notes below low E are horrendously unstable. The pad cups on these oboes are pointed like clarinet pad cups instead of domed like most oboe pad cups.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-04 00:32 |
Re: Old Lafleur Temptation new |
Chris P |
2017-02-04 03:21 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-04 05:37 |
Chris P |
2017-02-04 19:41 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-05 08:18 |
wkleung |
2017-02-05 17:34 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-06 01:55 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-06 05:37 |
wkleung |
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Chris P |
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oboist2 |
2017-02-15 03:31 |
Barry Vincent |
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oboist2 |
2017-02-15 05:20 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-15 06:06 |
oboist2 |
2017-02-15 06:09 |
Barry Vincent |
2017-02-15 13:42 |
oboist2 |
2017-02-15 13:45 |
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