The Oboe BBoard
Author: Fritz
Date: 2016-03-17 18:47
how long do you soak the reed before scraping or does the soaking time vary depending upon what stage of scraping? I saw a YouTube where the scraping sound was so distinct that the reed almost sounded dry and the reed was almost at it's final scraping stages. Thanks
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Author: LLSOboe Studio
Date: 2016-03-24 05:50
This really varies by reed maker, cane density... I've had colleagues scrape things dry that make me cringe... I always rough scrape right away after tying, so my cane is well soaked. I use an old knife while removing bark as well. For detailed scraping never more than how I would soak it to play. I watch so many students toss their reeds in a soaker cup with the tip on the bottom. Dip the reed and lay it flat allowing the water to absorb. We work so hard to make the perfect tip, it should be treated respectfully. Happy reed making!
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Author: EaubeauHorn
Date: 2016-03-25 03:38
Around here with near zero humidity, dipping a reed and then laying it flat will result in a completely dry reed!! So I soak mine, gently tip down (sorry) for at least five minutes before I play, and sometimes must switch reeds after a long rest because the thing had dried out. If you live in normal humidity that may sound insane.
My teacher when doing the fine scraping on the tip will flatten it totally to the plaque with his thumb, and it must be quite flexible to do that safely.
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