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 from automatic to semi-automatic?
Author: doddel 
Date:   2016-02-15 18:05

Is it possible to change an automatic oboe into a semi-automatic one? I have played a semi-automatic oboe for over 15 years, and am in the market now for a gorgeous Loree, but it's a full automatic. Not sure I would mind changing to playing an automatic oboe, but just wondering if there is a way back in case I couldn't get used to it

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 Re: from automatic to semi-automatic?
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2016-02-15 19:01
Attachment:  loreeauto8ve1.jpg (89k)
Attachment:  loreeauto8ve2.jpg (62k)
Attachment:  loreeauto8ve3.jpg (76k)

As Loree oboes use a far more complex auto 8ve mechanism, it'll probably be an expensive conversion from auto to semi-auto. And if you've had it converted but want to revert it back to semi-auto, that too will be costly.

See attached photos of Loree's auto 8ve mechanism and compare it with a semi-auto instrument and you'll see how different they both are:


Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: from automatic to semi-automatic?
Author: doddel 
Date:   2016-02-16 14:13

the instrument turns out to have a DK serial number. Anything I should keep in mind specifically for this series of Loree's? I noticed a (professionally) repaired crack in the top joint...

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 Re: from automatic to semi-automatic?
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2016-02-16 22:24

One thing that will make life easier for you is having a 2nd 8ve touchpiece fitted instead of converting it to semi-auto. That way you can use either 8ve touch as the 2nd one duplicates the thumb touch, but it will make those 8ve leaps up to A-C easier.

I bought a German spec Marigaux oboe d'amore back in 2007 and had the 2nd 8ve touch fitted (as well as a thumbplate to make it dual system) and that has definitely made playing it much easier than not having the 2nd 8ve touch as I'd go for it out of habit but nudge the trill keys open instead.

But with it being fully auto, you won't be able to use harmonic fingerings for upper register A and Bb as the upper 8ve vent closes and the lower 8ve vent opens when LH3 is held down - you need the upper vent to be open for those harmonic fingerings of A (8ve2 xxx|xxx) and Bb (8ve2 xxx|xxx Eb).

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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 Re: from automatic to semi-automatic?
Author: doddel 
Date:   2016-02-29 12:56

I ended buying an automatic Loree. Not an oboe, but an English horn!
Have few questions about this instrument too, will post in different thread

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