The Oboe BBoard
Author: Chris P
Date: 2016-02-14 04:37
The worst part of anyone's hand to support any wind instrument is the tip of the thumb, but that's what has been done since tubular woodwind instruments came into being.
Kooiman addressed this issue with the extension piece that rests on the thumb's 2nd knuckle as that's transferring the weight of the instrument to a much stronger part of the thumb, so anything that can be fixed to the thumbrest and transfer the weight nearer to the hand is much better in the long term.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
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Author: RobinDesHautbois
Date: 2016-02-14 21:17
I know some people who successfully used the Kooiman.
However, I have been told by people who bought it that their problems persisted. Please review the video on the blog: displacing the weight to a stronger joint is useless if the curvature of all the joints involved still causes unnecessary tension that results in pinched nerves.
Just think: today, hundreds of very busy oboists and clarinettists DON'T need special implements. Also, for generations, these things did not exist and injuries are on the rise: might lifestyle have changed for the worse over the last few generations?
.... there is something there to contemplate...
Robin Tropper
M.A.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed.
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Author: Barry Vincent
Date: 2016-02-16 11:46
I find that the Tom Ridenour Clarinet thumb rest works best for me. I tried the Kooiman and just never got use to it.
Post Edited (2016-02-16 11:49)
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