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 Low Bb for EH
Author: concertmaster3 
Date:   2013-02-12 11:33

Hey guys,

I just got a new English horn (Fossati Soliste) and we're playing Mahler 1 in April (Along with Symphony of Psalms...going to be an endurance challenge for the oboes!). Does anyone know if the Forrests extensions will fit a Fossati instrument? And if not, anyone have any tricks for a low Bb?



Ron Ford
Woodwind Specialist

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 Re: Low Bb for EH
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2013-02-12 14:02

Contact Forrests to see what the tenon and socket measurements are on their low Bb extensions and check them against your Fossati.

Roll up a piece of paper into a tube and shove it inside the bell to fill out the hollow section - this will give you a good low Bb.

I would say a £20 note will do fine, but you don't have them in the US.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

Post Edited (2013-02-12 15:47)

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 Re: Low Bb for EH
Author: Wes 
Date:   2013-02-14 22:30

Yes, I made an extension from plastic pipe for my Loree EH for that Mahler piece and it worked fine. However, it screwed up some higher notes and I would take it off as soon as the part was over. Good Luck!

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