The Oboe BBoard
Author: Oboe Craig
Date: 2012-12-09 22:26
A new tune, the Xmas tune for 2012, arranged by guitar player composer friend Wayne Dooley.
We both taught at the Shenandoah Conservatory in Virginia in the 1980s, played in a band together and then worked together as computer programmers in S. FLA for several years.
Happy holidays!
---- edited with a fresh link available in a few minutes
Post Edited (2012-12-10 15:42)
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Author: huboboe
Date: 2012-12-10 00:12
Back atcha, Craig! Fun arrangement, thanks.
Robert Hubbard
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Author: ptarmiganfeather
Date: 2012-12-18 16:53
What did one oboist get the other oboist for Christmas?
A lighter and some kindling.
Merry Christmas!
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