Author: vboboe
Date: 2005-10-17 00:00
... so, even with all this great advice, still a bit confooosed, not one of my physical playing skills yet, haven't got the knack, don't get the discussion concepts either
... for normal tonguing, the tip has to go forward at least to the relative position of the teeth where the reed is sitting on rolled-over lower lip, yes?
... but, for d-t, the tongue has to be pulled a tad further back in the mouth behind the teeth?
... so then, are we rapidly flapping (hurring) only the tip of the tongue in the largest available space in our mouth (extra jaw drop recommended?)
... or are we using the whole length of the tongue to get results while articulating appropriate combinations of these various recommended syllables?
... or either, or both, depending on whether fast marcato or fast staccato is needed?
And, if the tongue is mostly just behind the teeth while it's flapping in the largest available space, are we actually touching the reed during d-t (major tip fray?) or are we actually blowing tongue-chopped air into the reed?
For example, can hurr the tongue rapidly in mid-mouth, lips slightly parted around the reed, but can't do that when reed's held in place, especially if also pressing more firmly to lip up the higher notes, something about closed lips inhibits this tongue movement (none of that churned air can get out perhaps?), and find ticka-tacka just as challenging for same reason, digga-dugga is easiest to produce but least effective sound-wise