Author: lbarton
Date: 2010-06-25 22:42
Alfred pub. Learn to Play Oboe --easy and attractive for young student
Gekeler methods-thorough
Edlefsen method books--excellent for somewhat older students. He's an oboist and knows the problems.
The old Rubank books are not that bad.
My objection to many band books is that they go almost immediately into fingerings for fourth space E, Eflat, and F which require half hole, and octave key, and usually use only forked Fs. Too much too soon, for student with barely formed embochure. They also use almost everything in flat keys, designed for bands and students remain incompetent in sharp key signatures far too long. I've taught transfer students who came to me playing solos at a high level, that had a terrible time ever using anything but the forked F. LBarton