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 New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: Ed 
Date:   2025-03-01 01:35

I recently had the chance to play a Selmer C85 mouthpiece. Years back when they were available I never had the chance to play one. I was impressed with the playing qualities. Has anyone compared them against the newer Selmers like the Focus? Are they similar designs and material or are they completely different?

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 Re: New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: donald 
Date:   2025-03-01 09:35

Completely different.

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 Re: New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: ACCA 
Date:   2025-03-01 12:31

I've played concepts (Tenor sax and clarinet both) and all 3 facings of the c85. both are versatile pieces that work well in classical or jazz/folk styles.
I would say the concept is a bit more "refined" in its approach. I'm told the c85 was designed specifically for instruments with a lot of in-built resistance, e.g. Selmer Recital and 10S. Played on a more conventional instrument, it is quite a powerful mouthpiece that can "shout" a bit when pushed. The concept is not quite as loud and more resistant, but I find it a very colourful and rich sound.

very, very different from older Selmer C* or HS/*/** models- I have tried a few of those and never got on with any of them.

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 Re: New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: John Peacock 
Date:   2025-03-01 21:13

I use a C85 120 for classical playing, and much prefer it to Selmer's current "concept" and "focus" (I haven't had a chance to try the "echo"). It has a clarity of tone and an ease of achieving a big dynamic range that I don't find in the current offerings. With their wide rails, they seem intended to make a dull and inflexible sound - the same philosophy as the Vandoren BD5. I think it's shame Selmer didn't continue to give players the option of using the older designs even as they introduced new models - Vandoren seems to have a better balance in that regard.

The problem with the C85s is that in comparison with the consistency of manufacture of modern mouthpieces, the older pieces are hugely variable. I've bought quite a number of C85s on eBay, hoping to improve on my existing one or at least get a spare, but the majority were not great (OK, if you have a really good one you won't be likely to sell it - but taste is so personal, and therefore I keep hoping someone will sell one they think is junk and it will suit me perfectly...).

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 Re: New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: m1964 
Date:   2025-03-04 08:52

ACCA wrote:

"... I'm told the c85 was designed specifically for instruments with a lot of in-built resistance, e.g. Selmer Recital and 10S. Played on a more conventional instrument, it is quite a powerful mouthpiece that can "shout" a bit when pushed. The concept is not quite as loud and more resistant, but I find it a very colourful and rich sound."

I got an older Recital in A and find it not resistive at all.
I played the Recital vs. an older (late 60s) R13 in A and new RC prestige in A.
Very responsive and free-blowing clarinet (my Recital, at least)

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 Re: New Selmer mouthpiece designs
Author: ruben 
Date:   2025-03-04 13:38

1964: My Selmer Recital are also very free-blowing..and have become more so with age (40 years old...among the first).


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