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 What are the most important factors in making Texas 6A All-State on Bb Clarinet?
Author: clarinetister1 
Date:   2025-02-27 05:27

Rank them in importance too. I heard tone quality doesn't matter all that much and that speed and accuracy matter more. Is this true?

 Re: What are the most important factors in making Texas 6A All-State on Bb Clarinet?
Author: David H. Kinder 
Date:   2025-02-27 05:49

I couldn't tell you, ut this Michael Lowenstern video might make you instantly better:


Ridenour AureA Bb clarinet
Ridenour Homage mouthpiece
Vandoren Optimum Silver ligature (plate 1)
Vandoren #3 reeds

 Re: What are the most important factors in making Texas 6A All-State on Bb Clarinet?
Author: Mark Charette 
Date:   2025-02-27 08:53

Nope. Not gonna happen again. At least for a l9ng time.

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