The Clarinet BBoard
Author: m1964
Date: 2023-07-17 07:11
Clark Fobes sells them, other places sell them too.
Thank you
Post Edited (2023-07-17 19:21)
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2023-07-17 20:57
To answer the question, yes. I get them from Clark. Different reeds work with different players and mouthpieces, so I can't make a general pronouncement as to how "good" they are. I tend to like responsive, free-blowing reeds, and the Ishimoris seem to enforce a degree of mellowness to the sound, so the projection might not be what I can get from some others, but they are clearly well made from decent cane, and you can get a very nice sound from them. I've played them in concerts and people liked the sound. They're worth a try. The strengths seem to be similar to Leuthner French Cuts, and lower than the equivalent in Pilgerstorfer French style reeds, so they are probably also lower than Vandorens. 3s might be a good place to start.
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Author: m1964
Date: 2023-07-17 22:47
dorjepismo wrote:
> To answer the question, yes. I get them from Clark. Different
> reeds work with different players and mouthpieces, so I can't
> make a general pronouncement as to how "good" they are. I tend
> to like responsive, free-blowing reeds, and the Ishimoris seem
> to enforce a degree of mellowness to the sound, so the
> projection might not be what I can get from some others, but
> they are clearly well made from decent cane, and you can get a
> very nice sound from them. I've played them in concerts and
> people liked the sound. They're worth a try. The strengths
> seem to be similar to Leuthner French Cuts, and lower than the
> equivalent in Pilgerstorfer French style reeds, so they are
> probably also lower than Vandorens. 3s might be a good place
> to start.
In your opinion, how do they compare to Leuthner French/American cut in terms of blowing resistance, tongue response and consistency?
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Author: dorjepismo ★2017
Date: 2023-07-18 00:08
In resistance and response, they might be more similar to Leuthner American Cut; I've preferred the French Cut, but again, it depends a lot on the mouthpiece. They are not hugely resistant, though, just more resistant than Leuthner French Cuts. They seem very consistant--I notice more variation in strength in Leuthners than in these.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2023-07-18 00:21
Wow, do I have this correct? $35 for 5, not 10 reeds at Mr. Fobes website, with a minimum order of 2 boxes (i.e. $70)?
Post Edited (2023-07-18 00:21)
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Author: kchan ★2017
Date: 2023-07-18 01:34
Looks like 2 boxes of 5 (ea) to me for a total of 10.
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2023-07-18 06:35
kchan wrote:
> Looks like 2 boxes of 5 (ea) to me for a total of 10.
I hope you're right Kenwrick but when going through the motions of trying to check out from the Fobes website it insisted on two boxes being purchased for a total of $70.
When I went to some other websites that sell the reeds is wasn't if it their prices for 5 reeds were anywhere near 1/2 Clark Fobes' price....????
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Author: SecondTry
Date: 2023-07-18 19:11
Mr. Fobes clarified that he sells two boxes of 5 Ishmori reeds (i.e. a "pack" of 10 reeds I'll call it) for $35 in total (before quantity discount) but asks buyers to purchase, in any one order from him, at least two "packs" (i.e. 20 reeds) to allow shipping costs to be more reasonable when spread out across such a larger product purchase.
"Pack" is a descriptor word of my own creation here to denote ten reeds, whether those ten come in two boxes, like in the case of Ishmori 5 packs, or one box of 10 reeds like most other reed manufacturers other than Ishmori bundle them (e.g. Leuthner and Pilgerstorfer).
One is forced to buy at his website, at minimum, two "packs" of reeds. That could, for example, be two "packs" of Ishmori reeds, or one "pack" of say, Leuthner reeds and one pack of Ishmori reeds.
To rephrase, were you to buy Ishmori reeds from him they'd cost, before discount, $3.50 per reed (10 reeds at $35) but you'd have to spend money on at least any two manufacturer's "packs," (the same manufacturer or two different manufacturers of your choosing) before shipping costs, to complete an order with him at his website.
Post Edited (2023-07-18 19:13)
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