Author: m1964
Date: 2023-07-17 22:47
dorjepismo wrote:
> To answer the question, yes. I get them from Clark. Different
> reeds work with different players and mouthpieces, so I can't
> make a general pronouncement as to how "good" they are. I tend
> to like responsive, free-blowing reeds, and the Ishimoris seem
> to enforce a degree of mellowness to the sound, so the
> projection might not be what I can get from some others, but
> they are clearly well made from decent cane, and you can get a
> very nice sound from them. I've played them in concerts and
> people liked the sound. They're worth a try. The strengths
> seem to be similar to Leuthner French Cuts, and lower than the
> equivalent in Pilgerstorfer French style reeds, so they are
> probably also lower than Vandorens. 3s might be a good place
> to start.
In your opinion, how do they compare to Leuthner French/American cut in terms of blowing resistance, tongue response and consistency?