Author: SecondTry
Date: 2021-11-08 21:44
kdk wrote:
> Of course, there's still the problem of getting the audience to
> reflect the same balanced diversity.
> To open a different can of worms, is this discussion specific
> to "classical" music or even more narrowly to symphony
> orchestras? Is music performance at a more generic level a
> whole different topic? In some genres the demographic among
> both performers and audiences is very different.
> Karl
I think that diversity in audience is, all other things equal, more likely to happen when the group performing has players who are members of those diverse groups.
This, IMHO, and to "beat a dead horse" best comes in leveling the opportunity playing field, not by allowing any consideration of race in hiring unless choosing a player from such poorly represented racial backgrounds among an equally talented pool of players.
Not that you say otherwise sir, but if we incentivized audience diversity through say ticket prices, or even, taken to its extreme, paid people of certain racial groups to attend concerts, that alone won't change roster diversity without commensurate changes in the talent pool with respect to race as well.
I could be wrong, but the only way I see such diversity happening fairly is opportunity equity, which will have to result in orchestras better reflecting society makeup (unless someone subscribes to an insane notion that some classes of people are inherently better at music than others) and where audience members are motivated to attend in part by being able to see themselves reflected back racially (role models of their own background) in those they (see and) hear.
Sadly, this takes time and money, pushing against a system and status quo, but is doable and worth the effort.
I am curious. Does anyone here think affirmative action in orchestral hiring, even if it comes at the expense of favoring what may be a less talented musician, an, all things considered, better proposition? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I'm just afraid that given the level of devotion that players must give to get to a level of play consistent with hiring, that to be turned away for any reason other than their musicianship would create an untenable situation among the playing ranks.
Maybe I am wrong.
Post Edited (2021-11-08 21:50)