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 Resurrecting a clarinet after 3 decades of storage
Author: WinnieS 
Date:   2021-10-24 18:10

Hello friends, long time no see!

I've got an older Normandy-8 that has been in storage for around 3 decades at least, could be longer, who knows.

I'm finishing repadding/recorking it now and there is a question on how to approach reintroducing moisture contents into the wood that has really shrunk over the years of storage.

I have a tenon rings swedging kit but I wouldn't like to swedge the rings while the wood is in its driest state. However I also don't want to assemble the clarinet while the tenon rings are loose (and they are really loose) so the female tenon's wood doesn't crack.

My plan is as follows: Put the clarinet in a box with a sponge humidifier for at least a week so it absorbs some moisture and the tenon rings completely tighten up.
I heard a professional advice also on adding some vinegar to the water to re-introduce acidity into the wood.

Then I'm planning to take the clarinet out and leave it for a couple days in normal dry environment so it looses the excess of moisture and the tenon rings become a little looser.
After that I can swedge the rings to make them fit tight.

Please comment on the above and feel free to add any thoughts you might have on the subject.

Post Edited (2021-10-24 20:46)

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 Resurrecting a clarinet after 3 decades of storage  new
WinnieS 2021-10-24 18:10 
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SunnyDaze 2021-10-25 11:28 
 Re: Resurrecting a clarinet after 3 decades of storage  new
DougR 2021-10-28 16:03 
 Re: Resurrecting a clarinet after 3 decades of storage  new
WinnieS 2021-10-28 19:14 

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