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 H. N. White, Cleveland, Ohio, Regent
Author: Lelia 
Date:   2000-09-14 23:30

I have some old catalogues that sort out the relationships. The parent company was H. N. White, named after the founder. "King" was originally a premium, pro-quality line of instruments under the H. N. White brand name. "Cleveland" (named after the location of the White factory) was a student brand, used so that the company could keep the H. N. White logo associated only with the more expensive lines. "Ohio" was yet another student brand name spun off by White. Just to confuse matters, after White's widow sold the company, the new owner started using the former pro model name, "King," as a brand name for student quality instruments under different model names. At the same time, "Cleveland" became a model name under the King brand, even though "Cleveland" had previously been a brand name with its own model names.

Wake up. There will be a quiz later. ;-)

The "Regent" model name has been manufactured under the Cleveland brand, the Ohio brand *and* the later King brand! At a flea market, I've also seen a metal Regent with no name on it other than "Regent." In all cases, I believe "Regent" was a student quality instrument.

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 H. N. White, Cleveland, Ohio, Regent  new
Lelia 2000-09-14 23:30 
 RE: Can anyone tell me about my metal clarinet?  new
joevacc 2000-09-15 04:01 
 RE: "Cleveland\" History  new
Don Berger 2000-09-15 13:37 
 RE: Can anyone tell me about my metal clarinet?  new
CJ 2000-09-16 20:44 
 Re: Can anyone tell me about my metal clarinet?  new
lib 2021-11-15 23:56 

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