The Clarinet BBoard
Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-23 16:54
My R13 has Nickel Silver keys.
I've done some searching in previous posts, but can't find the information I'm looking for.
My R13 is only about a year old, but the plating on the ring keys is wearing off, not tarnishing, but wearing off. The color that comes through is a copper color. This has developed rapidly in the last few months. I do polish my keys every other day, or so.
After reading a few posts I've determined that the keys are only plated, and not solid nickel silver. And that my sweat and oils are very corrosive (it's a wonder my keyboard hasn't worn out). Also I've heard and read here on the BBoard that the newer R13's plating isn't as durable as it used to be. I'll try to contact Buffet USA about the problem and see what they have to say.
Here is the part that I am lost in finding information about...
I want to get all the keys re-plated, hopefully in silver. Is silver more durable than nickel plating? I know it tarnishes more, but that's no problem since tarnish can be removed. I just don't want it wearing off.
and some questions...
Is it possible to silver plate nickel keys? How much does generally cost (how much did you spend if you've done re-plating)? Where should I get it done (at an actual repair center or can I take it to another place that plates silver, but not just instruments. mabey a fine metal plating center?)? What can I do to help slow down the wearing off process until I can re-plate? Is there some nickel polish/protectant I can use. Do 3M strips work for nickel?
Ryder Naymik
San Antonio, Texas
"We pracice the way we want to perform, that way when we perform it's just like we practiced"
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Author: JJAlbrecht
Date: 2008-06-23 21:11
There isn't a polish available for an instrument with faulty plating. It isn't tarnish that is the problem, it is the fact that the metal is wearing away from the key surfaces.
Usually, nickel plated keys have a layer of copper plating below the top surface, and below that is the base metal, from which the key is made.
You might as well take it to a competent instrument repair service, as you will have to strip the clarinet entirely and have everything replated. Then you will have to have new pads installed on the keys, and the instrument will need proper reassembly. Take it to somebody who knows what he is doing.
“Everyone discovers their own way of destroying themselves, and some people choose the clarinet.” Kalman Opperman, 1919-2010
"A drummer is a musician's best friend."
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Author: D
Date: 2008-06-23 21:30
Assuming you get the keys plated to your satisfaction - your sweat will remain quite corrosive. I personally found that I ate through the nickel plate clarinet I had quickly whereas the silver one is putting up more of a fight and is only going on a smaller scale. As a preventive measure you could try washing your hands before you play (and carrying wet wipes for when you can't get to a sink) in an effort to reduce the amount of salt and acid already on your fingers when you start. There are people who gold plate their keys - not as reactive to chemical wear although physical abrasion will affect it.
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Author: marcia
Date: 2008-06-23 21:38
Last summer I had my R13 Bb replated with silver. It too was nickel plated and after only a few years had several wear spots where the copper showed through. The silver plating on my R13 A of some 20 years was (and is) still in pristine condition. I took the Bb to Morrie who removed all the keys and sent them off to be replated. He reassembled and repadded it once the keys came back from the plating process. The replating component of the total cost was $400 Canadian. Did it affect the sound? No. Am I glad I di it? Yes. Do I think Buffet is producing an inferior product in their nickel plating? Yes.
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-23 22:33
I should re-phrase a couple of things...
I understand that the plating is wearing off, not just tarnishing.
"Is there some nickel polish/protectant I can use?"..... clear that up- Is there some nickel polish/protectant that I can use to slow the progression of the plating wearing off?
Ryder Naymik
San Antonio, Texas
"We pracice the way we want to perform, that way when we perform it's just like we practiced"
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Author: tictactux ★2017
Date: 2008-06-23 22:51
Ryder wrote:
> "Is there some nickel polish/protectant I can use?".....
> clear that up- Is there some nickel polish/protectant
> that I can use to slow the progression of the plating
> wearing off?
On one of my instruments, the throat G#/Ab touchpiece got ugly quite fast. I polished it and then used some hard transparent nail varnish. You have to repeat the procedure two to four times a year, depending on wear. But the uglification has more or less stopped, and the lacquering process is non-destructive - a bit of nail varnish remover will do it.
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2008-06-24 00:12
I don't think washing your hands helps. I too have acidity and the only true preventative is to wipe off your keys thoroughly after each use (if you wait until the next day to wipe off the keys you will notice that they feel decidedly tacky).
DO NOT use a polishing cloth. This will only speed up the wear since polishing always involves REMOVING a modicum of the surface material.
You must use a 100% cotton flannel cloth (I find that wear).
Yes, silver gives you slightly more resistance but not enough to neglect wiping off the keys every day.
I have found gold (even gold/nickel "Hamilton Plating" from Yamaha) to be COMPLETELY resistant to corrosive finger oils. Of course many players seem to have an aesthetic resistance to gold, but one too many $600 total overhauls with replating will bring the die hards around I think.
You can get a top of the line Yamaha WITH gold keys and posts for around $2300...........why would anyone need silver ever again!???!
................Paul Aviles
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-24 01:01
I use a 100% microfiber polish cloth. It's not at all abrasive, in fact it's not even real a "polish cloth." It's more like a cleanng cloth. It has no embeded polish compound.
As for buying a Yamaha just for the Hamilton keywork... I don't think so. no offense. I just don't favor yamaha, and it's not the brand name, I've played nearly all of their current models.
But thanks for reminding me of their innovative key work. I remember asking myself, "What type of metal is this?" when I last tried their instruments. Now I know.
Ryder Naymik
San Antonio, Texas
"We pracice the way we want to perform, that way when we perform it's just like we practiced"
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Author: Ryder
Date: 2008-06-24 01:48
what color?
metalic red mabey?
or that crazy color changing stuff?
Ryder Naymik
San Antonio, Texas
"We pracice the way we want to perform, that way when we perform it's just like we practiced"
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Author: Paul Aviles
Date: 2008-06-24 03:44
Ok, not a Yamaha fan. I can live with that.
As for the lacquer/nail polish idea, I can't even imagine that to be at all practical because that makes the keys WAY too tacky to move around on them (particularly the "A" key)!!
..............Paul Aviles
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Author: William
Date: 2008-06-24 14:47
All of my pro-level clarinets are silver plated with the exception of the one I had gold plated twenty years ago. My original set of R13s came nickel plated and when the rings began to show wear, I had them done is silver. Bottom line is that none of the silver or gold has shown any sign of detierioration over the years and all look "just like new". I do not make any special effort to polish the keys to maintain the shine, the silver and gold just seems to be very durable in resisting the corrosive effects of being constantly handled. Once nickel has worn away, there is no way of polishing it back--it must be replaced. And then, it will most likely wear away again. Silver and gold feel very nice in your hands and will stay looking good no matter how many clams you lay. Gold is a real attention getter and you would not believe how many people think I sound great based soley on how the clarinet looks. When the price of gold comes down, I might just have my Buffet Prestige low C silver plated bass clarinet redone in gold, out, Lawrie Bloom (LOL).
Post Edited (2008-06-24 14:51)
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Author: Bassie
Date: 2008-06-24 15:19
As I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, you can get silver 'polish' which reverses the chemical reaction of the tarnishing, thereby removing negligible material. Chrome polish cream, in complete contrast, /is/ abrasive and will remove material (slowly, though, when used as intended, as chromium is a hard metal).
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Author: D
Date: 2008-06-24 21:51
You could always cover your finger tips in a thin layer of super glue before playing (and wait for it to dry). might not do your skin any good though.
sorry, job interview tomorrow, getting a bit stir crazy.
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