The Fingering Forum
Author: ~*eliza*~
Date: 2004-08-08 16:52
I know there are two forms of contrabass clarinet: the one that looks like a regular bass clarinet, and one with a curvy body. I know the straight bodied contrabasses are very tall. are there any disadvantages to the curved version? Which one is the best? help!! thanx
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Author: Theboy_2
Date: 2004-08-10 13:47
the straight contrabass(and contra-alto) are more for concert situations. the curved contrabass and contra-alto are more for marching band situations. they don't have to many disadvatages or advatages to eachother. they are the same instrument but a different way of presenting it. the curved contra allows you to sit on a normal chair and a shorter person can reach all the keys easily. while a straight you have to sit on a stool and a shorter person may have trouble. either type will be ok. hope this helps.
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Author: warren
Date: 2005-10-04 02:58
curved keys can lose adjustment easier, but if you take care of it you wil be fine. Curved usually go down lower ( to D, D-flat, or C) varies by age and model. I haven't incountered a song in band that needs the lower notes. They usually cost alot more too. Vito's can be as low as 3,000 brand new, (haven't played one so i dont know about quality) but i know leblanc's are awesome.
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